Elitist abuse of casuals

SAME!!! I thought rank 3 had a fair amnt, not infinite but yeah, and it is the weekend so I can see why mine are poof. lol

 I do have a Rogue
 I am not big on PvP though I have (had) spent more time on PvP servers. I am more of a leave everyone alone but if you attack me I am going to camp you for the next 7 hours so you regret the day you were born. I don’t like starting fights, but I will finish them.

I miss MoP and WoD Explosive trap. TT.TT

I miss MoP PVP in general. There’s no outplay potential anymore, totally removes the thrill.

Pruning hit PVP the hardest.

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Here’s to last good PvP expansion.

I can’t post gifs, so have a music.

To better times. :smiley:

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lol so “not being social” is not giving into bullies?

Wow isnt real pvp anyway. You cant loot others or be looted and its not anytime anywhere. Ultima Online was real pvp. Lord British was OG with his PVP.

“Real PvP”

If I’m fighting against other players, it’s PvP. Now you can say that it doesn’t compare to those other games. But personally, never played Ultima Online so I wouldn’t know.

I liked WoW PvP in MoP because it was fluid and ever .01 second could either spell victory or demise.

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Ultima Online? Ha! Everyone knows Roblox has the best PVP ever.

Emergency edit: Cyberpunk can be pre-purchased now, BIGGER FISH TO FRY, BOYS, LATER!

Its not real pvp as it used to be. It’s much friendlier and many who pvp in other games don’t consider it to be a good example of PvP.

It’s more like you’re saying that only four star chefs are allowed to criticize burnt food.

I don’t need to be a world class expert in a field to be able to criticize something in that field.

Could you explain the friendlier part. Also could you explain what it used to be?

If you aren’t running high keys, don’t talk about high keys since you have no idea what you’re talking about.

If you’ve never used master loot, don’t talk about it since you’ve never been in the position to use it.

If you don’t PvP at high levels, don’t tell rank 1’s what to do.

If you aren’t a mythic raider, mythic raiders don’t need your input.

It’s really that easy, why make this complex?

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You’re the one making this complex by saying casuals aren’t allowed to give feedback.


They’re allowed to give feedback. But everyone’s going to look at them crazy if they haven’t experienced the content to give feedback on.

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That is not what I said, I’ve never once said anything like that. I believe that people shouldn’t talk about something they have no idea about.

Ah forum PVP. lol. And hey, sometimes casuals still have good points to make. I never said anything about you cant comment if you are casual. I just dont quite consider WoW PvP to be real pvp so when someone tries to act like they are some hardcore PvPer I kinda laugh and think “You’d probably freak out if you could be looted and lost all your stuff. Be thankful WoW is merciful that way. You dont even lose XP for dying.”

Glad ranked here. Just look at the noodly appendages on my helmet.


Are they a sign of the flying spaghetti monsters approval?