Elitist abuse of casuals

I’ve actually been a WoW stalker on my realm. I’ve made camp videos of guilds that were found deserving of the treatment.

Contrary to my hard stance on these forums, I’m actually really hard to annoy. You have to seriously botch something up either one time, or screw up simple tasks repeatedly to earn my ire.

It’s fun to see how defensive people get when you disagree with them, though.

It’s definitely creepy and pathetic on their part… but still funny and flattering lol.

Funny - absolutely - flattering? I’ll get back to ya on that one. :wink:

Either way my likes are on CD so here ya go - :blue_heart:

Oh, I was expecting some real pvp and pve achievements on your account to show us how you’re a better player on Horde side. You let me down, bud.

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Haha, that is great.

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I’m reading your posting history, oOOOOoooOOOoooo!

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I’d be flattered if someone took time out of their day to look up my post history and come tattle on me.

Maybe I am weird.

I often do that. Horde is still better than Alliance though.


No thanks to you though. Have a good rest of the night.

It took me a while but I’m far more patient with forum folks now. I only let the person in question make their stance clear by tossing insults and that’s when I become extremely snarky and sarcastic.

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You too. BTW, I never claimed to be l33t but I do have quite a bit of raiding experience on the normal and heroic levels from Legion and MoP. I raid more for the fun of it that epeen.

^^^ first thought that came to my mind

It’s really hard for me to not be sarcastic, when you see something silly get responded to positively.

Someone has to fly the snark flag.

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Nah, not really weird. Just had a really bad experience back in Wrath with a server stalker that got pretty bad, to the point I had to change servers, so this kind of thing doesn’t bring warm fuzzies to me - but I wanted to bring the deed to light in the forums in case they’re here lurking for more “dirt”. I’m older now and have that dgaf attitude for the most part.

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Ah yeah, I can see why that would be problematic. I am definitely in the idgaf age range though, lol.


really need to increase the likes thingy dang it!!

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Indeed. I tend to run out of them on the weekends, even with Trust 3. Place be hoppin’

If you want people to be afraid of starting things with you, practice getting good at rogue, and play on a PVP server.

After the fifth re-introduction to the floor, they tend to leave you alone.

On that note: I miss Pre-legion subtlety :c