Elitist abuse of casuals

To be fair I don’t think there’s much of one in BFA.

I’ll stay here just to annoy you.

It’s amazing that I just found this thread…
OP I didn’t have an elitist encounter per say - but someone who either strongly dislikes me on these forums, or on my server, either way it’s more a THEM problem than a MY problem - someone came to my GM today, and told them I was badmouthing my guild on the forums, and sent them a link to the Pugs are Bad thread, where I was knocking the pug, and the person who got in touch with my GM ASSumed I was referring to my guild. lol

My GM told me the name of the person, someone I’d never spoken to, on said character, probably too cowardly to confront on their main, it was a level 36 paladin, that has a lot of pets, and a lot of achieves, so they’ve played a good while - and may only have that LF Draenei on my server, but regadless - I sent that person an in game mail to thank them for the laughs they gave both my GM and myself, taking a LOT of time to look through my post history, b/c they listed more than just that one thread, stating I was knocking the guild.

I will say that when i first started posting in the forums, I was stuck with the guild name next to my name that I had left, which I was miserable while a member of - and happened to log out of my armory account, and back in, there in refreshing my account, showing my present and very enjoyable guild I’m proud to have sitting next to my name.

I also told them to seek some counseling b/c the amnt of time it took them to search through my entire post history showed more of an obsession than determination, and was a rather creepy feeling knowing someone creeped on me that hard just to try to get me ousted from my guild…and it failed.

My point is this - some ppl thrive on being mean, and in some cases like what you experienced, rather cruel. All for the sake of being able to do so on such a level on the internet that they feel incredibly untouchable.

I am so sorry that this has happened to you, but like Jaina stated consider yourself lucky, and really think about it this way - now that you know what those ppl are all about, do you really want to be associated with such crappy individuals as that?

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Inb4 ‘classic ruined BFA’ whine posts in a few months.

Calling it now.

That’s alright too, it doesn’t bother me. I don’t play with players like you anyway. gg

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See that’s the thing, you have to put up with players you don’t like if you want to get anywhere in this game.

You haven’t even cleared normal, dude.

Stay in your lane.

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I don’t though. I’m not sure what someone like you could offer me anyway? You’d sit on my btag list and complain that normal and heroic raids have too complex of mechanics? lol

I assure you that I don’t need players like you to get anywhere in this game. lmao

I mean…that’s life

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I clearly said I’ve chosen not to participate in the raid scene this expansion. Would it make you feel better if I pugged all the raids tonight and cleared them for you? Does it make all of my past raiding experience null and void?

You’re Alliance, you need all the help you can get.

Best part about video games: You actually don’t have to deal with those people to get anywhere, unless you’re just really bad at finding mates to run with.

Shame that the real world isn’t as generous at times.

I am jealous. I want a wow-stalker.

I don’t know what that has to do with anything even if I did still main Alliance. Let’s pretend I did main Alliance still, what would that matter?

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I charge 30 gold a post.

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Man, you’re really tense bro. Go kill something.

That’s true. Though my tolerance levels are pretty high when it comes to people so things that bother other people don’t really bother me. There are raiding guilds out there that are very helpful and very inclusive. It’s up to the player to put in the elbow grease to find’em.

I’m not tense. You keep bringing up something about me playing Alliance, I’m curious why that would matter. Does maining Horde make you a better player?

If I ever find out who they are, I’ll send them in your direction!! :stuck_out_tongue:

It really is a creepy feeling. For someone to be that pathetic…or that obsessed. cringes from the not so pleasant feeling

Yes. It does. I thought we all knew that?