Elitist abuse of casuals

I think Blizzard is making things a little too complicated sometimes, at least on normal and heroic level. They can get as complicated as they want for mythic, which is the least seen content by most players, at least while it’s current.

If you’re good at making gold you can always pay for carries and look at them as educational opportunities. You pick their brains a little and maybe get a piece of gear or two.

That’s the only option for some people to get into pugs. The elite raiders and pvpers are definitely higher skilled than most of the playerbase but they learned through trial and error and some of them are really driven to improve.

I’ve been around some of them and they have a different mindset than those of us that just want to have some fun.

This is how we ended up in the shape we’re in.

Making the fights harder than they’ve ever been before? That’s where we are today. People are wanting to go back to Classic easy mode where time and effort are rewarded and the fights are straightforward.

No pvp vendors since players aren’t capable of making their own right choices, extreme pruning and homogenization of classes and specs to streamline everything for ease, the destruction of professions, I can go on and on.

Dumbing down the game in any fashion is a horrible choice.

What does that have to do with overly complicated fights? How many keybinds do you want? I agree the classes could use more individuality. Professions have been a mess for a long time now.

The game doesn’t need to be more complicated though.

It doesn’t need to be dumbed down either. if you aren’t capable of performing the mechanics in a normal or heroic raid then there is always LFR for you. Don’t punish the rest of us simply because you can’t keep up.

If the guild is a raiding/pve guild and has the expectation for you to participate and not be a deadweight member, and be willing to lend aid to fellow guildies once in a while… They were right for kicking you, i’d kick you too if you were a worthless guild member, just in the guild for the guild tag (i hate these type of members).

Now if they were a social only type guild, one that doesn’t expect members to do anything… then that’s another thing…

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That’s what mythic is for. It’s ridiculous to have fights that take ten minutes to get to third phase and then you instawipe.

LFR is waiting for you.

I can play whatever level I want to. BTW, you’re Alliance. Get a clue!

Personally wish Mythic wasn’t so taxing. But I guess we gotta World First race to keep WoW relevant on Twitch for 1-2 weeks right? (inb4 someone mentions Uu’nat and KJ)

I’m actually not Alliance, thanks though? I guess?

You’re right you can, stay wherever you feel comfortable. Just don’t complain about how hard normal and heroic are, if you aren’t capable then go chill in LFR.

Just curious… what does him being alliance have anything to do with… well… anything?

I’ve raided plenty in the past. I’ve even sat in on a few current mythic runs back in the day to help a friend fill a slot. I’ve chosen not to get into the raid scene in BfA. I could if I wanted though.

Okay? Cool.

I’m just saying that if you aren’t capable of normal and heroic since you think the mechanics are too punishing you should go back to LFR instead of punishing the rest of us and dumbing the game down even worse.

It’s not a matter of ability. It’s seeing them design fights in ways that are designed to destroy pugging.

Good. I wish more pugs were obliterated. Less pugs = stronger guilds with a sense of community.

I was fine with pugs until they obliterated server community.

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Maybe you should go play Classic for the “community.” :rofl:

Maybe you should find a single player game since a community isn’t something you care about.