Elitist abuse of casuals

There are plenty of casual guilds who don’t mind helping players, plenty of them.

Edit - there are plenty of non-casual guilds who don’t mind helping players as well.

I’ll take your word for it. Unfortunately I havnt Met any yet, but I do believe that they exist! Just a matter of finding s good group of guys.

That is the wrong thing to do, just find one that is 100% casual and fits your play style. There are plenty of them out there, don’t let one bad experience ruin it for you.

I’m lookin’ to be forced into heroic raiding for Palace, two people left the raid team, and the whole thing kinda collapsed. Bah.

well you’re expecting a guild far above your standards to carry and teach you. why would they do that?

you gotta start from the bottom and work your way up. it takes time, but only because you’re usually slowed down by weekly/daily resets anyways.

the unfortunate problem is realm population if you want to find a guild. I know my realm Area52 has a ton of casual guilds, but a realm like Doomhammer has hardly any in comparison (judging by overall pop).

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Sure you aren’t

This has nothing to do with people being elitists either. Yes some of them can be jerks, but someone doesn’t need to be an elitist to be a jerk.

I’m not saying I’d expect a guild to carry me. I agree with you; players should start off at the bottom instead of expecting to make the great leap in one bound, so to speak!

I’m just saying it’s not made easier by many players who won’t help. Thankfully there are some who will. I’ve started off doing dungeons in BFA and getting used to reading adventure guide a lot more. It literally has all boss strategies and attacks/healing abilities in there…all a guy needs to do is read it!

Which is why I understand some mythic raiders not caring to share their pearls with people who can’t even take the time to educate themselves and do some work first.

You’re already 10 steps ahead of half the people around here who cry about “elitists”.

HAHA. Thanks. Glad to know I’m on the right path at least.

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Many people expect everyone else to tell them what to do. It’s amazing how many people refuse to do anything on their own.

That’s the attitude that keeps new players out of raiding, denying that there is a learning curve. Elitists expect that a player should reach 120 one day, be geared up to heroic level and expert at their class and knowing all instances by heart the next.

there’s a ton of help out there if you look. Icyveins has some good basic guides to get started with and every class has at least one discord full of more guides and players willing to help you out.

I know some people even go out of their way to message much better players than them at their class/spec/role/etc some questions in-game too and most are happy to answer.

So start in normal, where beginners belong. People shouldn’t expect to jump into heroic if they aren’t ready. That’s part of the problem with all this heroic ilvl welfare gear, people think this gear will carry them through content, well, it doesn’t.

learn your class, learn basic mechanics, do your own research by reading or watching videos, stop blaming the rest of the world, then tell your guild you’re ready to step into a normal raid.

That’s how we all started for the most part. Stop expecting to jump in with the big boys right off the bat.

I’ve been on icy veins a ton. Not to become the best, but at the very least learn my spec, synergies and basic rotations. And once I figured that out I started learning how to prioritize certain spells, when to wait to use them etc.

And yes you’re right. I think the issue is some elites are making a bad name for a majority who are great guys.

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Man. Elitist in wow crack me up. Ohhh wow, you’re sooo good at a video game you’re able to play more than 2 hours a day. They go on a power trip. Cool man, you run mythic plus, raid mythic, but you have a neck beard and no career. Congratulations? Stupid man, I’m sorry that happened to you. Get into a good social guild.

well there’s bad people in every group of individuals. It’s best not to pay any mind to them. there’s even some in the casual community that make a bad name for them too.

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Op.you were better without that guild in the long run ,it’s save you alot of problems.

You can read all the guides and watch all the videos you want but most people only learn by doing. Most of the elite raiders wipe hundreds of times, they don’t just go in and roflstomp. Especially these days where Blizzard has kind of done away with the idea that outgearing something means it’s easy now.

The way they design encounters now, requires more than just brute force, it requires you to do more than that.

I’ve watched some elite guilds do some
Runs on YouTube and that’s what made me realize I’ll never do mythic+ 15 or anything. You’re right, many do wipe. A lot. And some raids take a long long time to finish, if they do at all.

So I do think there is a perception that the casuals have of elites like they never lose. Or the poor guys who do like 20 raids to get one piece of gear they need. Soooo…long.

Sounds like a pretty terrible guild then. If they’re treating you like garbage then you shouldn’t really be afraid to leave them, even if you’ve been there for a long time.