If you think this will stop the gold sellers , you are sorely mistaken this may set them back a bit they will still find ways of farming gold and selling it, I wouldn’t say they lost their job they just took a hit its no different then a person playing the stock market sometimes stocks fail if you don’t diversify your portfolio then you will fail with your failed stock. the smart ones were ready for the market to fail and already have other avenues.
Y’all need to accept that Classic is nowhere near what Vanilla was. From the moment Blizzard announced Classic to the moment the game launched to the moment they made the first in game changes(a week or two after launch)
There has been changes, there is changes now and there also will be more changes.
Either you accept it or you refuse it and play something else.
Blizzard lives for changes, they will not change and will always make changes.
Embrace changes, or be gone.
It’s more like someone shoplifting and selling the stolen goods on e-bay. You’ll never stop shop lifting no matter what you do but for some reason business spend millions trying.
Again, why do you want inauthentic changes to the game to fit your own bizarre definition of “hardcore”?
There was more black lotus in vanilla, and server populations were lower. They manipulate rare herb availability in retail to influence the economy. It’s hardly a stretch to imagine they did it in classic, though either incompetence or laziness might also be the reason.
I’m opposed to the idea that because there were bugs in vanilla, implementation bugs in classic are in the spirit of brokenness that is real vanilla and should be kept.
Essy, your words speak volumes. This community has many different types of players and blizzard is taking more than just your play style into account. rethink your elitist attitude and consider if it belongs within a community that does not want to be affiliated as a whole with a mind set like yours.
This is a terrible analogy.
The thing about black lotus farmers that bother me is that they don’t play the game outside of controlling black lotus. That is their only job in WoW, whether it be to control the spawns, control the market. They play this game for one purpose, to make gold which they are likely in turn selling for cash, ruining the game for everyone. It’s not about making some gold here and there, they want to make so much more gold than everyone they can inflate prices on any item they desire in turn making more gold. It’s become the entire game for them, make 100k+ gold then do it again in TBC. Gold is pointless on retail so this is their fix. They dont parse, they dont pvp, they dont raid, they just farm black lot
No, PLAYERS were using level 1 ghosts as CCTV cameras.
There is no weakaura or program that can scan your minimap for a frigging icon you people are insane.
There are no alert programs, any player with a level 1 ghost has to physically see the lotus with their eyes before they could move their main there.
Your so clueless.
The majority of Black Lotus mafias were controlled by hardcore raiding guilds.
I was not part of the mafia, but I’m friends with the guilds that are, and let me tell you, they play the game non stop.
Cornering the black lotus market was actually easy, small time stuff for these guys, you have no idea how easy lotus farming is if you have a group of like minded people to camp the spawns with you.
Put 1 person on eagle eye duty, have people with alts sit on a few spawns at key locations, dead level 1s from any extra accounts you have, boom, you know when are where the lotus is spawning… Every time.
All the people blaming bots and gold sellers, you’re all dead wrong.
I guarantee, the majority of the lotus on your server was being farmed by the dominant guilds on your server, not bots, not gold sellers, powerful hardcore guilds were farming the lotus.
Oh and they weren’t farming it “to screw the market and F with everyone” they were saving it so that they could provide all their raiders with flasks for AQ40 and Naxx.
The salt from black lotus hodlers is great. Keep whining, we all love it.
And no, this isn’t some crazy qol change. Spawns should have been dynamic from day 1. Changing server populations. But not resources, is an obvious oversight.
Interesting way to look at it, or we can look at it from the perspective of they are making black lotus more % representative to the size of the super size servers we have now.
Truly if a player is using black lotus to pay the bills they are not going to loose money on this because now that they have the ability to farm more the materials will be more plentiful making the flasks less expensive and because of that more people will consider them usable on a more regular basis actually increasing the demand.
Potentially a net profit gain, not even kidding.
I guess I’m a little confused. Is 100kg a lot of gold on retail to buy a token? No need to invest so much effort into gold making in Classic.
why? they just get more alts to camp more spawn spots.

And today a bunch of sociopaths are out of a job.
And suddenly every disparaging remark you made at me while posturing moral high ground comes crashing into perspective.
I was talking to Doonga.
No idea who you are but please continue feigning pity for black lotus hoarders.

feigning pity for black lotus hoarders.
I doubt that most of them are feigning pity for BL hoarders. Most of them are feeling sorry for themselves.
To be serious though; I don’t think their business is going to be hurt much at all. They’ll just move to something else.
I think the problem is most people take themselves too seriously.
Honestly now…do you even think you’re a real person? I certainly think less of you than that.