Elites go homeless lmao

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but in this particular case, the outrageous price for black lotuses were not in keeping with Vanilla.

In Vanilla, I used to buy entire good flasks, like titans, for about 20g. I used junk flasks like Chromatic flasks for fun in PVP, as well as Flasks of Petrification for the lolz.

These flasks basically being eliminated from the game due to prices being so outrageous was so far away from Vanilla experience its mind boggling.

Yes, but what do you have to say regarding the mail box trade QoL change?

Surely, these are the end of days…

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It’s definitely game over. Wrap it up and let’s head home.

The server economy is no longer controlled by lotus mafia, people can’t grab the flag in WSG and camp out in an exploit area that you can only reach via swiftness pot and jumping the right way for 3 hours, You can no longer get inturupted from collecting your mail if someone misclicks and accidently trades with you.

Man, this must all have the no changers crowd furious. Next thing you know, layering will be back and people could log into the game, AV map might be changed and people will actually consider rolling alliance, heck, if this keeps up TBC might even be announced, and people will stop rolling mages and warriors. Well, okay they still will, but people might even roll warlock or something. Just in time for meeting stones to become summoning stones.

I’m very excited about the future of classic, personally.

If your job is to be a scumbag, don’t expect sympathy when it goes downhill.

I don’t see minor changes such as these as the same category as changing maps but that’s me.

There’s being sympathetic and then there’s being gleeful over other’s misfortune. I don’t believe that sort of behaviour makes you any better than they are.

In fact, I find it more worrisome as I don’t know their intent.

Know what’s even funnier to me than this whole black lotus thing? Watching videos of gold farmers in other games, like Old school runescape get killed and reported in game and banned. Almost all of them are just trying to pay their bills and are from venezuala. But I still don’t support them, and I think it’s hilarious.

Imagine being a gold farmer and not being able to pay rent for the month because some 12 year old killed you online. LOL gold seller btfo get rekt.

I’m not even trying to be edgy or anything here, I litterally have a feeling of joy rise up inside me when I picture all of this, a mixture of joy and amusement. The only sad thing is that i’m not doing it myself.

I didn’t do the 40 person raids, just the smaller raids. But it always was the rule in every guild I raided with. And I wasn’t even in hard core raiding guilds.

Offering sympathy is slightly different than reveling in another’s misfortune.

That’s sad, bro.

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Wait, I thought they were all prisoners in foreign prisons who were coerced into farming gold and mats.


Just remember what they say about karma.

It’s not real, just like their jobs?

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I was going in a different direction, but sure.

Well, there are certainly a lot of guilds and raid groups that do not flask now - though that may change going forward, and it will not be clear whether that is due to content becoming more difficult or due to BL becoming cheaper.

Personally, as someone who prefers to raid in a group that doesn’t care, this change is a negative, but… I don’t care :slight_smile:

whats a sub human?

Karma = losing your home because you cheated in a video game? Strange take.

A human that is also a submarine.


How does an artificial supply restriction (that was either an inadvertent error or a deliberate attempt to manipulate the economy by blizz) on an herb that used to have greater availability during vanilla translate into a “hardcore gaming experience”?

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