Elf Fatigue


Are you saying that an expansion or two AFTER they get closure for this one before having a big Elf story or are you saying they need to wait an expansion or two for closure?

They really don’t need to wait an expansion or two for closure on Teldrassil. This has dragged on long enough and we aren’t even through the expansion yet.


Aren’t High Elves and San’layn the most vocal Allied races requested not rumored to be a done deal?

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The only problem with elves is summed up in this quote.

“My advice: avoid wells of magical energy. Not only will you become addicted, you will devolve into some flavor of… derivative elf.” - Tyrande Whisperwind

There are 7 different kinds of elf. Seven.


Agreed. I’d rather they get it in 8.3 or 8.35 or w/e. Same with the undead both races need a new home now. Be it reclaiming a destroyed one or finding a new one.

And no just throwing it into a npc dialog box of ‘oh I guess we’ll reclaim Ashenvale now’ like when Varian suggested taking Gilneas back in MOP. Personally I think it could be kind of neat if Gilneas was reclaimed as a shared Gilnean/night elf land with Gilneas repaying their debt to the night elves, but at the other hand I don’t think I want htem to just lose Ashenvale/Darkshore entirely either.

The night elves taking over dire maul is also somethig I’d like to see but I doubt it’ll happen.


I mean, I guess that’s one way to look at it. I’ve never thought of the connection between the tauren and the kaldorei as one side “stealing” from the other, though, but rather having a shared history and and a similar theology that, to me, makes the faction divide between them really poignant. They have more in common with each other than they do with their own factions, imo, and seeing them at war kind of breaks my heart.

As for Legion being nelf-heavy, to me as a nelf fan and player it definitely didn’t feel that way. It had stuff about their ancient history from before the Sundering, but really it was about Azshara and the shal’dorei – and Azshara has about much in common with the playable kaldorei race as Trade Prince Gallywix does, and the shal’dorei who wound up joining the Horde. There was stuff about demon hunters, but that’s a shared history about people who are outcast from both their races. And it was about paladins, like, a lot.

The kaldorei this xpac are the focal point insofar as an atrocity committed against them kicked the whole thing off. After that… I mean, sometimes I get to do a quest with Shandris, that’s nice. There are never any kaldorei sailors I can save during that intro to Zuldazar, they’re always already dead. That’s kind of depressing. We provide a lot of cannon fodder. But I don’t really call that “content.” And fighting my former allies who’ve been insta-turned into forsaken in a warfront that is perpetually being lost and won and lost again doesn’t feel like being a “focal point” in any positive way. As Vozul pointed out, most kaldorei content is either them getting beat up or is about ancient history. Literally ancient.

And I mean, every player in WoW can go on at length about how Blizzard has overlooked and kicked around their favorite race. Everyone. And everyone’s justified. Making it into a contest doesn’t do anyone any good. But to me, as a nelf player, all the “overuse” that you see has just been a bait-and-switch for me, where I think I’m going to get awesome content for my awesome favorite race but just get punched again.

I guess I’m feeling some elf fatigue too, but it’s because I keep being disappointed, and that’s wearying.


High Elves are and have been the most frequently requested race, I think.

But yes, these days the ones that are seen most are High Elves, Sanlayn, and Vulpera.

There was a lot of Nightborne love in Legion and eventually those were added in.

So Elves are fairly popular and I doubt that’ll change any time soon.


Only seven? Can’t divide that up fairly. We should get another group for a nice round and even eight, at least.


The fact that Elves are among the most played races speaks against this.

People want to play Elves and play through Elf based stories. Or kill Elves. But Elves are a consistently popular theme.

Orc Fatigue, Troll Fatigue, Undead Fatigue… those things make sense and are true. Elf fatigue though… impossible!

If Blizzard released Alliance High Elves and Horde (something else ) Elves, they would be popular.

The people want Elves. To be them or interact with them. Even the cow people. I think it speaks to the malleability of Elven cultures.

They could delete every Elf. Jaina will still be sad and crazy on occasion, and the Horde will have to spurn itself for the rule of cool. It removes the Elf stories, but that does not mean any other stories will be included.


Can’t say I’ve felt any Elf Fatigue. Legion, sure, that was pretty well saturated with elves, but it ended more with Draenei. BFA hasn’t felt too heavy on the elves. It’s mostly been humans, trolls, orcs, and forsaken, to me at least. When elves appear it’s less as some kind of driving point to the plot, and more as a plot device.



Also, what are the seven Elf types? I only count six.

  • Night Elf
  • Nightborne
  • High Elf
  • Blood Elf
  • Void Elf
  • San’layn
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Naga, is my guess. Or maybe Felblood.

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Felblood and Fal’dorei. Naga possibly.

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Let’s make one thing clear; void elves barely got any screen time other than some war campaing quests with comrade Umbric.

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The seven elf types are as follows:

Kaldorei, Shal’dorei, Quel’dorei, Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei.

And then you have some elves with modifiers like Felblood, and San’layn (Fel and Death.)
EDIT: Demon Hunters, Death Knights, and other undead elves fit this as well.

But, I forgot about Fandral Staghelm’s Druids of the Flame! So fire elves can round that off to 8 if you so desire.

I’ve heard rumors of a new elf in hushed whispers around the Sunwell. A true 8th. The last of the cosmological powers has yet claim its due. The Light Elves! And with those shiny golden eyes of the Blood Elves, how far off could that be I wonder?

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Everyone forgets the poor Fal’dorei.


Orc, Human & Elves already has more than their share of the spotlight throughout wow’s ongoing story…what the hell, why not share more of the forsaken, dwarf gnome etc? are the rest of the races just the backup information extra actors with no meaning?

I am human but hell I had enough hearing about it


Personally, I don’t have elf fatigue insofar as I really want more stuff about Void Elves, they are one of my most favorite allied races along with the Dark Iron Dwarves.

I do, however, feel that elves keep getting the cooler themes and stories, pretty much encapsulating every single magical theme in the game and being the frontrunners when it comes to fighting the big bad of an expansion story. Shadow and Void themes are cool to me and I would have wished Worgen had them because they were introduced in vanilla WoW as a shadow-themed race, but now it’s 100% an avenue of the Void Elves and they seem to be the only race that demonstrates it to full effect. (Dark Irons too, kind of, though they are mostly fire and golems.)

Which also segues into how I feel Void Elves will play a big role when we fight N’Zoth, very likely in a similar role as the Demon Hunters with their fight fire with fire philosophy, but it certainly does leave little room for more potential growth or cool story given to the non-elves who don’t get to play around with any of that cool shadow thematic stuff.


All races, including the elves, get crushed under the weight of orcs and humans. And not even humans in general, but Stormwind humans. Look at the poor Kul Tirans, their entire arc ended in like, 8.1, and it was supposed to be a Kul Tiras expansion! Jaina continues on for a bit with her happy undersea adventure, and theeeen… is sidelined for Anduin and Saurfang and Thrall. And let’s not forget that she was never even given a place in one of those fancy cinematics.

Same as the Zandalari, except they got their story stopped dead in the water after 8.1, they didn’t even get to have a representative in Nazjatar.

I don’t have elf fatigue, I have ‘Blizzard’s obsession with the newest shiny and metal thing’ fatigue. I’ve had it since Argus, when we got introduced to a bunch of shiny new, more ‘badass’ draenei that are… led by a human, and hijacked the storyline the Exodar draenei had been building up to since I was in high school.


I think they tried this with Mechagon but… really, it’s so terribly divorced from the actual story of BFA that, right now, Mechagon could have been part of any patch of any expansion and played out more or less the same. I’m all for more spotlight to other races, but it needs to connect to the story to a degree. Mechagon is some exceptional world-building, but it just feels so disconnected. It doesn’t even really feel like it has a lot of meaning for gnomes and gnome lore, since it gets largely shared by the Horde through the Goblins.