Elementals in the Shadowlands?

I just did a Torghast run that had Pandaren and typical fire elementals fighting some Coldheart Guardians (Fallen Kyrian). Why in the world would they be littered in Torghast and fighting? I thought Elementals typically either went to the Elemental Planes or reformed on the planet in question. Is there some other link I’m missing?

Actual sources instead of random comments would be cool.

I always assumed that the random fire elementals I would see came as a result of a captured shaman, which subsequently trapped the fire elementals within Torghast.

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They’re not Fire Elementals, they’re Burning Stygia Elementals which simply resemble “fire”.

(Which makes no sense but here we are)

Same thing with how Muck Pools in Revendreth produce Earth Elementals if they become unstable but produce Dredgers if they’re stable, and can produce Bigguns also.

Or how Light + Revendreth = Ash Elementals, which are Earth I guess?



Ash is tortured Fire just as Blood is tortured Life. The fact that Light can create it just as readily as Void indicates that Dark Shamanism is not the only way to torture the Elements into submission!

Elements are everywhere regardless of Cosmic Realm it seems…

Idk about all that but honestly I think blizzard should just affirm “Elemental Magic” is the foundation magic for all the “material” existence in all planes, because it’s well, “elemental” lol


If the Denathrius Mythic Stage where we attack Denathrius from a Mirror World as well as the fact that Torghast mirrors Oribos are hints to anything I suspect that Darkness is not the Void but a Cosmic Realm beyond the Shadowlands which would be a mirror of Death!

The true opposite of the Light would be Darkness so if Darkness is mirrored by Death then Life is mirrored by Light… Though which would come first Light or Life?

Chronicle calls both Life and Light the Light in the Mythos section as well as describes it as a Life giving Energy when it clashed with the Void so who knows which of the two Cosmic Forces were involved with the Clash against the Void considering the First Ones should be involved at some point!

The Void if not Darkness but using it due to a bargain with Dreadlords would be the opposite of the Elements not the Light!

That was the closest thing I could think of. Though it seems an odd detail to have some of them be Pandaren Fire Elementals as well. Otherwise I would have just assumed it was from Thrall fighting at points.

Yven… Yven, no. Stop it. You’re conflating fancy naming conventions with hard proof of lore again. What you’re posing is a headcanon, one potentially worth discussing. But if you’d like to have that discussion, it’s important to stop putting forth your headcanons as hard fact like this. They’re not.


Elementals (I never actually agreed with Blizzards vague explanations for any of them) are like “coalesced life taking form.” This is way any base “element” can spontaneously come together and form life. Every Death.