Elemental Storms, Only 1 Spawning

Had an update this morning (evening for you in the US) but nothing has changed. Both Retail and Classic got an update but don’t know what it did.

Aha. another day, another lack of ANY fixes and NO communication what-so-ever.

Blizz, you have players on more than just SOD. I dont think I’ve been this frustrated about the lack of communication with KNOWN AND TALKED ABOUT ISSUES since I started playing end of BFA. We are giving you clear and concise feedback on what’s wrong and you dont answer us or give us copy/pasted answers on tickets to shut us up.

Also adding on to my last post, Blizz, you can’t just hyperfocus a single game for weeks and leave others in the dust. I understand during content update weeks on other games you may allocate more resources to the game for that week, but you can’t just completely abandon us for weeks to months. I may be overstepping here since they did just deal with layoffs on all sides cause of a certain OS company, but I can still be critical.

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0 spawned right now bc of Storms Fury in Thal. Check back in an hour for this really fun achievement!

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Is the storm expected to spawn in when Storm’s Fury ends?

I think it should be there in 50 minutes for 1hr when the other event ends, yes

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No storms up now : ( Went from 2 to 1 to 0.

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Nevermind, seems it caught the 2 hr window so the Storms Fury event is the full 2 hours and will overlap completely.

Another day of 0 storms spawning in the world again.

Yep, also see 0 storms again… come on I just need Thunder and snowstorm in thaldraszus and if the primal event keeps overriding it, stop making it a valid spawn maybe?

FFS, still not working properly. Make it work!

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Fire Storm in Ohn’ahran Palnes just popped again. Don’t know how many times I’ve seen this here. Only need Snow in Thal but not seen ot for ages…

The devs have acknowledged they don’t have the fix correct yet. And they’re also saying they’re not likely to get the fix correct until next reset.

That is not an acceptable answer!

Finally an official responce, and btw right now thal air is up hurry up before Storms Fury starts.

Yeah, this is super frustrating. There should be a storm occurring as I’m typing, but there are none in any zone. I’m glad to see Blizz has responded, but this chaotic game of whack-a-mole is beyond ludicrous.

I’m hoping if we’re lucky we get the 2nd hour of the storm when the Storm’s Fury event ends in 30 minutes. Probably not, but one can hope.


Is that what happened? I was looking for the storm and didnt see one spawn -_- Geez. Love dragonflight for all of the open world content and events, BUT… 4 zones is FAR TOO SMALL AN AREA FOR THIS MANY EVENTS. They need to take the event system for things like storms and time rifts and such and put it in the rest of the world so old zones get used.

Bumping to bring back to the top. Only a single storm has spawned.

2 spawned 3 hours ago and 2 spawned right now.