Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

We are still here Blizzard!! Patiently waiting for anything…

So looks like there’s still a pity elemental in several of the RWF mythic groups.
Are they running the MOTL builds then? Pre 4 piece?
Looks like there’s a smattering of elem/enhance/fire mage options in each group for lust and back-up lust I’m guessing?

How was Elem represented on the PTR before the nerf in raid testing?

Not asking for a change, but any communication would be nice. This thread will hit 1000 replies without a single response, at this rate.


Where in this thread are we discussing representation?

  • Blizzard came at us - and said, essentially, “You hit your buttons to fast, here, we’re going to change this to help you because we care about your fingers”

  • We subsequently took about a 14% single target damage nerf.

Either the explanation was wrong from the get go, or there was other motivation, or Blizzard is unaware of this.

Either way, we have zero idea what Blizzard is thinking, where they stand, the actual reasoning for the nerf, or anything. Because they literally refuse to communicate with us.

My own raids are seeing the elemental communities predictions come true.

and elemental representation in heroic and mythic kills bears that out. anything yet blizz, at this point anything that does happen in our favour and the overwhelming response will be “this should not have taken this long” and it will be correct


Daily reminder, Ele is now below feral according to most recent dps rankings posted on wowhead… 2nd to last… meanwhile other casters are middle of the pack, unless your a warlock then your god tier.

revert the nerf

A new injustice has popped up. Liquid was running no mages earlier today for a boss. If we could help mages get buffed to the appropriate level. Blizzard may accidentally give us a blue post at the same time mistaking us for the other blue class.

Still waiting at least for a response.

Here is my current theory.

A company officer has been handed the project of inclusivity thru accessibility. Thier first attempt with frost mages went belly up quick, and they can’t give this one up or they will look like an ineffective executive, a death sentence in almost any largish company.

Don’t let this thread die. I’m so disappointed with how elemental shaman plays in M+ at the moment and I’m really ashamed to play a game where the developers just ignore such a response.

Hunters and warlocks are allowed to run wild with their current tuning and we get the last minute rug pulled out from underneath us.

Please respond and rethink this nerf. I have no idea why a community council was created when there is no communication with them. We’ve invested so much time and effort gearing/learning the spec only for it to be tossed in the dumpster at the last moment.


Buff hopium

Keep it up

Blizzard hates shamans.


Almost 700…

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Please at least provide us with some feedback that you are at least reading these posts.

Still checking this atleast once a day, until something gets said by blizz

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We demanding a responds blizzard!

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We need a response on this

i meant not that Bliz cares to make any adjustments to Enh AOE.

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