Elemental Shaman Class Tuning -- March 8

Blizz help us pls. shaman ele need buff

I feel your pain Shamans. I do not play elemental but reading all this tells me that you guys do. Unfortunately, such a removal/nerf can only occur if the game developers are out of touch with its player base.

If you think there is some team of employees sitting around playing this game just like you but reporting internally what needs to be addressed with the characters within the game you are sure to be disappointed.

They listen to a small few (some high-ranking guilds or some 1% of the player base more so than you - the majority)

An accessibility issue that reduces the performance of a character should be offset by adding or updating something else with that character’s kit. Plain and simple. But you won’t get that kind of change (yet) because what you have are Devs trying to do the best with what they do not have. And that’s the proper team/department to deal with such issues. And if there is such a team already in play…then there’s your answer - they are not dealing with these issues…correctly (yet).

If only they had a budget to pay people to do testing. Such a shame they’re such a small indie company with little to no budget.

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this requires action blizzard.

just tried using NF leggo in mplus with the nerfs its actaully a joke literally unplayable please revert this poor nerf

daily bump, please reconsider the nerf or buff shamans

Just buff elemental lavaburst 10-20 percent in all scenarios fixed.

Resto shaman shouldn’t be doing more lavaburst damage per cast than elemental.


The silence is deafening. Blizzard has given up on communication and is fine with whatever this BS is.


Reminder that top end boomkins are getting 0.5sec wrath casts and haven’t been ‘made accessible’


Checking in to see if there was a response. Hopefully soon, comrades.

true how is it boomies are getting ultra fast cast times and that isnt a problem but somehow ele is like the contradictions in this post are actaully so insane

Still nothing hey blizz I don’t think this is going away and other classes with similarly speedy cast time are getting nothing…

I would like to tell the viewers of this reply. Most streamers gave up on ele, too. Of course, there are performance issues. However, no company treats customers like this. Please consider this point.
Don’t waste your time and feelings. The spec called ele has always been like this. It’s not just now.

I’m out… of the game not just the spec… Mythic raider… M+20s complete…

Never listened to any feedback and one chad in PVP said nerf Storm Ele and we’re done…

BTW - Still havent fixed any broken conduits that were reported since Beta.

Good job.




Not listening to feedback is a real problem.


Surely they respond today, right?

I’m waiting for boomkin to jump in and say don’t get us nerfed with you.

There are the same number of Boomkins following this thread as there are blues.


Dang I did no damage on that st bot and I m 3k behind top performers, must have done an awful log.Nope 95% percentile. Just we do no st dmg …

This change still sucks.