Elemental Lightning Rod Adjustment - October 23

No offense, but this is my point of view… having been back for about 3 months after a 10 year break, and largely devoting my time to playing Shaman:

  1. I personally feel there is no clear design in the latest round of updates. Values for things seem to be changed on a whim, some values are stealth changed, and we haven’t even touched on all the different ways certain abilities have worked! (I’m still trying to figure out what the net gain was by taking the Shaman poison cure totem, and making it a 2 min cooldown. Didn’t exactly seem very popular as a choice (at least among enhancement), and those who did chose it were outliers with an additional and useful utility. How dare they!)

While I understand some of the toss and turn is based on the addition of hero talents, I am a bit confused as to why those were not addressed and finished being hammered on prior to massively reworking the class talent trees as well. All these changes lead to point 2:

  1. I’ve been forced to change playstyle 3 times. Not recommended, not suggested, not optional: If I wanted to stay alive and keep progressing to tier 8 delves or higher, I had to target essentially one of two, perhaps three specs that are viable at anytime. Here is the rub, how those three specs were played changed each time. Which, honestly, I can be just fine with, but no thanks at a clip of once a month!!!

  2. Please look into Quality Assurance. It is a somewhat traditional way of thinking that an internal coding team would be dedicated to ensuring mechanical and design choices mesh well and, as to the point of this patch, are working correctly, largely PRIOR to release. (Because Blizz, we know more is still broken for shamans concerning these changes. A LOT, and they’re not beneficial so we’re not seeing a hotfix for those! As for the PTR argument… did it work this time? How about all the other times?) While we understand Blizzard has a mentality that keeps them closer to “indie” studios in their heart, I think this patch alone demonstrates the company does indeed have a need for such antediluvian ideas.

  3. I’m starting to not have fun. Why? I am spending too much time and effort trying to relearn how to play my main. I get that you have many players who can twitch react to changes on a heartbeat. Then you have people like me, who are feeling overwhelmed by the massive changes.

  4. No, I’m not interested in another class. If Lightning Bolts are not flying out of my character left and right, then honestly I have found myself uninterested. Probably my simple mind and the the dopamine hits of bright flashes and the lingering sounds of thunder. Make it tough for me to play it right, or make it a face roll, but let me actually get into playing it for some time too before another wild change.

I know I have a bit of snark that cannot be fully restrained, but I hope SOMEBODY will take this feedback to heart.


Good god, you can’t stop breaking this class. Np, I’m already working on my rogue.

AS OF NOW: The lighting rod nerf is probably better than the alternatives of thing they could have nerf and literally doesn’t change what you’re doing. It’s dumb, yes, because cranking rod is fun it quite literally the same playstyle, except maybe you’re not taking Charged Conduit in a single target…but your rotation priority literally doesn’t care about it in single target.

This is one the weirdest things to go “ele dead rip”.

Butthurt FOTM rerollerz
Don’t worry more nerfs are coming in both PvE and PvP, so please prepare your next toon :heart:


I just want my Burden of Power double dip back man, I miss it every single day :frowning:

Ele and Enh gapping every dps class by over a million in keys even Frost dks yet still Dks get nerfed more!

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Forum troll alt aside, just because the previous top performers are usurped doesnt mean they are safe from the nerf hammer. We will get nerfed again on tuesday for sure but no specs doing remarkably well should expect to be safe.

Any time shaman approach the top, blizz will smack them down instantly.

Mages and Warlocks, however, will only get nerfed after an entire expansion of bring broken OP, if at all.

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I just ran Nerub’ar Palace this morning and had some of the highest DPS despite being undergeared (relatively). The spec feels very good to play and still does great damage.

Don’t know until I test it but recent notes posted today.

Not going to fully doom but we are in fact getting beat up.

Wow they really are gonna smack down ele and hit enhance on the way down …

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This is pretty rough.

I understand the need to balance the changes, but Tuesday’s patch is the closest I’ve come to canceling my sub in two years. (playing since Vanilla) For once, please provide where you’re getting your data from? If you are balancing off the top .01% of players, you are doing it wrong. We were good and valued in groups for a few days in years. Rightfully, nerf something, but now it appears you’ll be leaving our class in a worse state than before the patch after spending 200k, two catalysts and recrafts to full mastery and we may have to go back?? How in the world can this be acceptable to anyone, anywhere?


Pve should still be ok maybe not great. PVP? lol gutted again.

Stormbringer should not be a talent worth taking in that enviroment. cast time is not wort it nor the damage. They really went hard after ele. It currently is overtuned and I thought maybe 15% to both echo chamber and ascnedace woud tamp it down some or maybe 25% on ascendacne but the double nerfs? idk. Looks like missed decision.