Ele Sham looking for social raiding guild (H)

Hello! Looking for a guild! I’m currently levelling an ele shaman and Im looking for a relaxed social guild that will be aiming for AOTC and some mythic but not pushing hard into it and also running mythic dungeons. Im available anytime during the week between 8PM to 12 EST.
Let’s chat!


Had to take a short break from wow because of irl stuff! Back now and still looking!

Hey Talyya! Posting our guild search post in case you’re still looking!

With 8/10 Heroic progress, People of the Dragon is a newly formed guild on Tichondrius looking to hit the ground running in Shadowlands! We’re looking for like minded individuals that want to progress through content, while still keeping a laid back and positive raiding environment.

We’re currently raiding at 3pm server time (pst) Saturday and Sunday, with other events going on throughout the week (normal runs, keys, rbgs).

We try to foster a positive community based atmosphere in everything we do. You won’t find a guild full of people who only log in for raid and you never see them throughout the week, or a clique of officers hiding out in the own locked Discord channel.

Our current needs are: Ranged dps and healers. We’re always open to all specs and roles though, if you’re a good fit, we’ll find a place for you!

If this sounds like the place for you, go ahead and reach out to me on bnet Rist#11421 or Discord: Rist#1742
