[H/A] Elderwynd 5/8M Wed & Thur 8p - 11p EST & Mon 8p - 10p EST (Optional Heroic Farm)

Elderwynd - Illidan X-Faction
Progression Raid - Wednesday & Thursday 8p - 11p EST
Academy Raid (Heroic Reclear) - Monday 8p - 10p EST

Current Guild progression has us at AOTC & 5/8M.

About Us
We are a Mythic Progression guild that promotes competition while maintaining a family like atmosphere. We are recruiting exceptional raiders to help us progress through mythic content. Even though we are four months old we have achieved 5/8 Mythic with the goal to attain Cutting Edge. We’re looking for players who want to continue to strive to better themselves and the guild. While not raiding, we are consistently pushing high keys, forming farm groups, or just doing world content while we hang out in discord. Players of all skill and ilvl are welcome to join, we are looking to give you a home that you’ll love.


  • Short term - Push mid mythic progression for the remainder of Season 1
  • Mid term - Push into late mythic/CE progression for Season 2
  • Long term: - Push CE progression & maintain an active and engaged guild.

Our Mythic Progression Raid is Looking for:

  • Rogue
  • Havoc DH
  • Any Ranged
  • Healer Any Spec ~ Pref Mistweaver

Mythic Prog Team Requirements:

  • AOTC Achieved
  • Mythic Logs
  • 628+ ilvl
  • Stable Raid Attendance

We are also looking for folks to join our Academy Heroic Reclear team as permanent members. The purpose of this team is to blast through Normal & Heroic weekly within the 2 hour window. Members who join this roster permanently are prioritized for loot.

Our Academy Raid is Looking for:

  • High Priority - Healers & Any Ranged DPS

  • Medium Priority - DPS w/ Tank or Heal OS

Academy Reclear Requirements:

  • 600+ Ilevel

Recruiter: Discord piiles | Bnet Breeet#11114


Bump this up!

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This guild has some serious pumpers

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Bumping this!

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Bumping this right before I go to sleep!

Bumpity bumps.

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Excited to see this!

The second law of thermodynamics is a physical law based on universal empirical observation concerning heat and energy interconversions. A simple statement of the law is that heat always flows spontaneously from hotter to colder regions of matter (or ‘downhill’ in terms of the temperature gradient). Another statement is: "Not all heat can be converted into work in a cyclic process.

Don’t do it… it is a trap.

Somebody replace my DH so I can play a good class

The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a closed system at thermodynamic equilibrium approaches a constant value when its temperature approaches absolute zero. This constant value cannot depend on any other parameters characterizing the system, such as pressure or applied magnetic field. At absolute zero (zero kelvins) the system must be in a state with the minimum possible energy.

Looking for providers to donate to the “Lirelana Tanking repair fund”. All proceeds will goto the guild tank for helping with keys for mains and alts and friends and pugs… cue a hot actress with sad music Please help before the gear breaks.

Our roster needs have been updated!

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tbh this guild has had one of the most friendly and helpful environments. They helped me get comfortable playing the game and I even got to try real end game content which I hadnt even considered beforehand.

It is still a trap.


Great group of folks, come join us for S2!

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Bumping! Everyone here is super cool and friendly and it’s been one of the best guild/raid experiences I’ve had in a long time!

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I really enjoy this guild, highly recommend joining.

Roster updated!