Either Play on a MegaServer or Don't Play at all

If your alliance, play on Benediction. If you’re Horde play on Whitemane. Otherwise the game is dead. Just spent over an hour looking for a measly heroic SP for the daily on Netherwind and couldn’t even fill it 3/5. I have a tank on horde side Benediction and can’t even farm nethers, because heroic 5 mans barely exist. Can’t transfer my Alliance to Bene because I have horde there, and I have 4 70’s on Bene so I can’t transfer to Whitemane without dropping $100+.

This is a rant, but it’s a sad reality. TBC is already dead and we’re only in phase 2. Something needs to be done about realm population.

Yes, there are exceptions to the rule. Please don’t waste your breath saying “join a guild” or “find friends”. This is clearly a GENERAL issue that has to be addressed or the only servers with raid teams in Sunwell will be the ones listed above.


When even a 4500 strong server is apparently only raidlogging and ignoring older content so hard you can’t make groups, that’s more of a playerbase issue. People are past those things no matter what. Heroics are risky to pug in the first place. But yes, it cannot be skipped saying that a good guild is the best way to get things done. On a server population of ~200 live we are still running things as our members need. Especially when it helps progression.

You don’t really need 14,000 people to find 4 to do what you want.
Everyone just thinks that and runs to Bene when their limited patience runs out.


Pagle’s solid too.

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I’ve literally been spamming dungeons since level 12. Not on Bene or Whitemane.

Honestly, alliance shouldn’t just overlook just Pagle at this point. Pretty much every time an alliance guild transfers off my server they do this huge sales pitch on LookingForGroup about how Benediction is the best server on the planet and everyone should go there. Like there is ZERO other choice. It’s become my pet peeve.

Anyway, I said today in LFG why not Pagle then because Benediction is going to be a PVE (fake PVP) server too soon. I just got comments about the transfer restrictions. That’s the only answer. People shouldn’t overlook the PVE servers at this point if they don’t care about World PVP anyway.

To the OP there is something seriously wrong if you can’t get a group with your tank on 4800 pop. I can get groups all day on my horde as a healer with a 4000 pop. DPS is more difficult to find groups for and will be anywhere. Benediction alliance is filled with groups asking for mostly tanks and DPS looking for groups.

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it is a valid point, once you go PvE, your field of possibilities shrinks.

sadly banediction didnt exist when I left PVP.

Yes, it is a valid point. I’d be fine with them lifting the PVE to PVP transfer thing at this point considering everything.

Blizzard failed server balance and population. They love transfer profits too much to give a rat’s butt about us.

If SoM does not have PROPER server population (do NOT put retail population on Vanilla maps!!), and does not have PROPER balance (Faction queue!), it will end up the same.


Those are the answers to your problems though. You won’t get far in raiding without either. This is exactly the same attitude that alliance players had when they were told “pvp happened on a pvp server” and it shows that mmorpgs arent for you if you are that bent over it.

Your claim that the game is dead because you cant get a pug going is extremely laughable. Transfer to a better server or get a guild that runs stuff. But im my honest opinion, the problem is all you.

I don’t understand why everyone is so against playing on a mega server, that is your time wasted looking for people that arn’t there. Server’s do not have communities anymore, this is 2021, we evolved.

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Bruh you can’t find any runs on Horde side on Whitemane most of the time. Everyone is done with heroics, if anything people just lvl to 68 and hit Kara, mags and gruul before ssc/TK attunements


Windseeker is a solid choice as well and guess what we still have HORDE!!!

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Yall should have never rolled pvp servers. Let this be a lesson in humility.

That’s the plan. Yearly cash grab on xfers. KEKW

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Alliance has Benediction and Grob

Horde has Whitemane Faerlena Herod Sulfuras and Fairbanks

Then you weren’t paying any attention to what was going on around you so no wonder you want to play Retail Lite.


Get over yourself. I raid SSC and TK on my main. That’s not what this is about. This is about server imbalance and Blizzard’s lack of support. I’m talking about my 4th and 5th 70. Obviously it’s going to be harder, but the point Im making is that it doesn’t have to be. Imagine starting fresh and being in my shoes? You’re OK with that?

You’re just a sad, sad person. Enjoy being miserable in life.

Even if you “join a guild” or “find friends” nobody logs in other than to get the gold they bought from the mail and get their consumables for the week, and to raid.

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You’re just another gogogo player trying to zoom through the game and your mad that you cant snap you finger and get into a group like the start of the expansion.

The answer to your problems is right in front of you but instead of taking it you would rather rant on the forums and paint this doomer picture because you arent happy. I think you need to get over yourself.

My hyperbolic garbage from the doom and gloom brigade. All you guys do is repeat the same overblown exaggerated tropes over and over. On my server there are several guilds pugging 25 man raids every week outside of the hardcore raid guilds and we aren’t even a megaserver.

I think most of you play on the huge mega servers where all the min max zoomers play and are unhappy you can’t get a free ride.

i had no problem leaving when i realized it’s not for me. that’s where my guild went - but then relocated because of queues.