'Efficient Looter' Torghast Upgrade causing massive lag

Having this issue as well. No real lag to speak of but each “efficient looter” auto loot interupts casting. This is an unbelievable bug. WHY ISN"T THIS FIXED YET??

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How do I turn this feature off!!! Literally cant do Torghast on that character anymore. Blizz it’s been months come on guys

Please if someone care to fix this problem, I cannot heal other players until the loot complete. Thanks,

Well guys, update on this,

Over the last 3 days, instead of trying to fix the real problem, I was instructed to send multiple files, go through various steps, and uninstall my addons & firewall; and Blizzard doesn’t have the gut to acknowledge this is the issue associated with cross-realm and the cast sequence of “Efficient Looter”.

And after testing my game under different conditions, it turns out I was not lagging whatsoever except under this buff.

Then got reply as: “This appears to be more of a connection thing than the buff itself. So clearing any buffs out wont make any changes.”

When player raising a ticket, they have the trust that GM would help out; this trust has gone.

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I recently ran a Twisting Corridor for the heck of it. It was like a breath of fresh air in comparison to the normal wings that are saddled with the research tree.

Not having to endure Efficient Looter meant I wasn’t annoyed pull after pull. I did not have cases where Efficient Looter prevented my warlock from summoning her tyrant until after the dogs expired. It reminded me that I only run easy layers on my mage because I’d rather not deal with fun, big pulls killing her due to Efficient Looter not letting her cast frost nova or a number of other defensives in time.

I’ve tried reporting this via tickets in game and got no helpful response. Basically just told “Remove addons and reset UI” when I proved this did nothing I was told to just play with people in the same server region.

Here is a video showing the issue and how bad it is, I’ve linked to relevant parts of the video:

Absolutely horrific how something like this doesn’t get solved. All I asked for in the tickets was to simply remove the Efficient Looter option from my tower knowledge progression but was told to just play with people in the same server region. Unacceptable.

I get less lag playing on FFXIV and Lost Ark across regions.

Had the same issue in the last 2 Torghasts I’ve run in pugs. Didn’t know what the problem was until now. This can’t be good.