ED: A Realm for Low Caliber Players, People

Please get help.

yall probably don’t remember me but I miss this server, it was my home for many years

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I 'member. \o/

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Yay! \o/ I’m actually shocked cause I was a nobody on ED

/wave I don’t really know you but I remember :slight_smile:

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And nothing’s changed.

Moon Guard and WRA are the most toxic servers in all of WoW. They have a “reputation” across the entire WoW community and if you consider “one handed typing” role play then you would love it there. What quantifies as role play there is severely lacking when it comes to role playing in the context of a role playing game.

I’ve played on many RP servers in WoW and this was absolutely the best one that I have played on to date. In fact, it’s one of the best RP communities that I’ve seen since the early 90’s when it comes to MMORPG’s.

If you dislike ED so much, then your energies would probably be better spent elsewhere instead of wasting them on something that you dislike so much. Also on a side note, I know people have discounted the roles of tanks in PvP, but they have their place. I’ve tanked in PvP quite a bit and to be honest I find it rather enjoyable. A good tank that knows what they are doing can be a formidable opponent when it comes to PvP.


Cool, if only I cared because I really don’t lool

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you played in division vii, youre already a nobody

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Oh, laddie, haha, I’ll be needin’ no help ta take yeh down :slight_smile: That, I can do mehself.

I hearr’s yeh was parrt a Division VII. I do rrrememberr them sorrry sacks. I’ve put many a them dogs down, likely you too.

But let’s not pine ferr the past, come on back ferr I can do it some morrre. Brrring yeh’rrre frrriends too if yeh need ta; I also seem to rrrecall the Div 7 chumps neverrr fought 1-1, just in a grrrroup trryin’ ta outnumberrr opponents.

Toot yeh’rre own horrn in Classic or come back herrre to show yeh’rrre musterrr. Otherrrwise, yeh just be a blowharrd. Now, get back underrr yeh’rre bridge aforre I put yeh therrre!

Grrreat ta meetcha!

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Andrew #1 always and forever

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You just made me so proud to be an Emerald Dreamer. Salute. :fist:


It’s good to know you’re still thinking of us though. Sad to say, I don’t remember you though. :frowning:

Lulls #1 ED Cutie

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