90%+ of ED players (99.999% for Alliance) are either baristas, forklift operators, or graphic designers IRL. You have absolutely no right to run your mouths, or even address me.
The only saving grace of this server is that there are a handful of quality Horde players, and they know who they are. The rest of you mouth breathing apes couldn’t gain any status or notability in this game if your life depended on it, and you can all get off my thread.
Thank you tallywax for starting this thread. It was a lovely bit of nostalgia to open the ED forums & find an active thread with people arguing. Would have been nice if your goodbye thread was a little more interesting but I guess you did your best
But yeah, GL & HF on whatever fetid backwater realm you’ve chosen to seek refuge in (either classic or retail)
I’m playing Classic on Herod, The People’s PvP Server™. Everyone with a brain left Retail long ago because BfA is a complete dumpster fire, and Shadowlands will be even worse. Classic is so popular they had to re-enable layering to handle the 5+ hr queues on the larger servers, like mine.
Good luck doing your cringe RP with all the leftover hacks who didn’t have enough sense to jump ship.
The only thing you’re “desolating” is your credibility with these weird, obsessive, delusional walls of text you’re posting.
No. No. I’m pretty sure your credibility has been desolated after stating you went an entire xpac without a killed and then a video surfaced of you being one shotted off a cliff.
The video doesn’t lie man.
… Also noticed you cut and edited your original post. I wonder if the loss of the bulk of your OP is a measure of the loss of your credibility.