Economics of GDKP ban

what you may call a win, isnt a win for a huge portion of the playerbase getting punished just so some people on the forums can save maybe 1g on potions

Economically the GDKP ban will hopefully see a decline in gold buyers and bots over all. With any luck the AH wont be as bloated with mats as it is now and farming will become more viable for real players.

I dont foresee any crazy imbalance in the market and think the game will be a better place because of it.

That’s really not how economics works. If ten bots are profitable 100 bots will still be ten times as profitable. If the price of gold declines we may see less efficient bot farms shut down or change their model but a single operation won’t just scale down for fun. The core of the inflation issue is rampant bots injecting raw gold and that will not go away without much better bot detection and enforcement or near complete elimination of RMT.