Echo resolve buff?

They just made it so that I can’t spam root it off, as well as other classes.
Feels like more of a buff not going to lie


Hahahahaha they literally did


Am I missing this somewhere in the patch notes or am I just misreading it

  • Gladiator’s Echoing Resolve now increases the duration of crowd control by 25% (was 20%), now lasts 12 seconds (was 15 seconds), no longer increases the duration of root effects, and no longer causes the target to become immune to root effects.

It’s right there, you’re just misreading I guess.

Trinket needs to be pruned period. It’s impossible to balance.


Clearly I don’t understand English because I don’t see “Roots no longer remove Echoing Resolve”

no longer increases the duration of root effects, and no longer causes the target to become immune to root effects.

Which is just another way of saying the trinket doesn’t interact with roots period.

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You have to use more than an ounce of brainpower and understand that in order for the buff to be consumed, it has to immune a CC

I cba arguing bad wording

Yes!!! Just what I was waiting for

Great, now I can’t even use root totem to move resolve as my rsham…

This just made rshamans even worse against resolve rofl, rip them.

Why on earth do they refuse to remove this trinket? Literally the easiest change in the world.


You are without a doubt the least intelligent person I have ever had the misfortune to meet LMAO.


question mark

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yeah so when the change is live and root doesn’t remove the buff just whisper the enemy warlock ‘wait a sec i’m about to make blizz look so stupid on reddit’ and explain the semantic error you think you caught. big huge


It’s a nerf to classes that could negate it with a root and a buff to classes that didn’t have those tools.

I think overall it’s okay the duration decrease is probably gonna be noticeable

Good now my r sham won’t accidentally trigger it with earth grab when I’m about to stun.

sorry to sound silly
can someone break it down for me.
from what i see in the notes it looks like a nerf?

It’s a nerf unless you play anything that can use roots to purposely proc it. Also the nerf is so slight it will not help at all so it’s really just an overall buff.


blizzard has inadvertently buffed this trinket lol.

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