Easiest covenant for new rogue

Seems as though all rogue covenants are viable. Is there one that is more beginner friendly? Is necro/assass the easiest way to get into rogue pvp? Thanks.

yep necro assa is relatively straightforward and good damage

Depending for what?
I got both Necro & Venthyr.
I use Venthyr for raiding and Necro for dungeons.

Necro in M+ is definitely more powerful, but it is a little more complex to play imho.
Venhyr all you do is press the button once every 2minutes and try to spend as many combo points as possible to get a buff.

Necrolord is setting up dots on multiple targets, without losing overall damage, as the time it takes to set 3 spikes (7k total damage), you can lose over 20-30k in AoE situation.