💦 Ease Launch Stress; Time Classic w/ major BFA Patch

Launching Classic in sync with a major BfA content patch would turn it int into just that.

A player that chooses both will have to draw a line in the sand and stand on one side.

The tourists will stil I’ll be there.

Less tourists would be there for sure. Some will always be there. At this point, I can agree to disagree.

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It will also mean less long term players too. If they choose the BfA content over Classic.

Which might string out the bloat longer than estimated.

Might give Blizzard room to say “we need to leave sharding in longer due to the unexpected length of tourism”

How is this going to affect people who want to play both? All you’re missing is the “first to 60” race, and I imagine if someone is wanting to play both BFA and Classic, they’re not invested enough in Classic to care how long it takes to get to 60.

And frankly, it would be nice to force certain BFA guilds to choose one or the other to help broaden the playing field for the world firsts.

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There’s a lot more to launch day gaming than race to 60.

Mainly, playing with friends on launch day. That hype.

It affects everyone. We all choose to not play some other game too. I mean, why not launch in sync with a major competitor?

Or is this another “we hate BfA players” concept? Because tourists come from all over.

I don’t hate BFA players. Until a couple months ago, I was one.

But yes, I would rather make you choose between your friends and playing BFA than have a heavily-sharded launch experience. It’s my $15, afterall. :wink:


Here’s the thing.

BfA and Classic will have the same infrastructure. To Blizzard, on the data stream level, it will look the same no matter where you a logged in. Many many shards everywhere.

Goes the same for that $15. It looks the same to them no matter which game you are playing.

To think getting BfA players to log into BfA instead of Classic holds some meaning? With sharding in place it won’t mean a thing to Blizzard.

That’s not how it works. They can adjust population thresholds and loads will balance to accommodate. That’s why the technology exists in the first place. So while, yes, sharding as a technology still exists behind the scenes, the UX would still be true to “classic”.

They can lower the population threshold on BFA servers since the UX is so far removed from “massively multiplayer” it won’t matter if you see less people in a shard.

That is how it works. They shard the populations constantly on BfA. The Classic sharding will look all the same to them on their end.

Millions of shards, everywhere.

I won’t work that way if they don’t use sharding. Which is part of the reason they will.

I can’t tell if you don’t understand how the sharding system works, or if you think the server techs are too dumb or are unable to differentiate traffic. Either way, no, that’s not how it works. There’s not a single button for every server. A lot of it is automated, yes. But that doesn’t mean they have no control over how many people it takes to force a separation to another shard.

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Nothing is preventing them from playing both. Neither game is going anywhere.

If it will reduce the need for sharding, absolutely I do.

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Are they prevented in any way from playing both games if classic and a major BFA patch are released at the same time?

They cannot play both games simultaneously even if classic and that major BFA patch were released at different times.

Yeah, I am betting are reading more into what I am saying than I am actually saying. That or willfully being disagreeable.

1 shard vs another shard is still 2 shards even if one is on BfA and one is on Classic. 2 shards worth of a load no matter what.

This is why Classic is being rebuilt to work on the BfA infrastructure.

No where have a said they can’t tell the difference. They won’t care to look is what I am saying. Not for the purpose of tourists.

The issue is that patches have so little content now that a patch drops, people sub, beat it in a month, and quit til the next patch drops.

By shoving classic’s release in the middle of the development cycle, and timing the content buckets to land in the middle of the gap between retail content drops, they can get those people who would normally just sub on an al a carte basis to go to a recurring subscription.

Never underestimate Activision’s willingness to sacrifice player experience in pursuit of a little more money.

Are you really trying to equate two different games as two “shards” of the same game?

That’s like saying that FF14 and SWTOR are two shards of the same game.

Is Classic not still going to be there during that content drought if classic and that major BFA patch were released at the same time?

Not what I am saying in the least.

I am saying it’s 1 infrastructure.

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It’s not about getting people to play X hours, it’s about getting them to play every day, or at least enough that they keep their sub up. It’s about keeping “fresh” content up as much as possible. That kind of time gating has been a thing since lich king.