Earthfury needs help

The transfers just opened up and people are still mulling over the decision. More would continue switching as the queue remains…

You really shouldn’t be making threads like this for another week at the minimum.

All you’re doing is convincing people NOT to switch.


going through the denial stage huh?

How can I not be upset? I have limited time to play, I want to run a dungeon. Low in behold there is 7 people in silverpine 4 of which are level 10-14, 3 are 27-30. Hmmm, no SFK today. So i try a major city instead. Goto UC, post for 20 minutes looking for SFK group. Get 1 dps, great a group of 2. sit for 10 minutes he doesn’t want to wait. its now been 1 hour since trying to look for people, and the most i’ve mustered is 1 person. How do you expect me to feel? I want to enjoy the game. So what I just skip dungeons, change my playstyle? I Can be angry.


I doubt that. Can anyone from Herod speak about the queue times last night? Skeram, the other server alongside Herod, that was part of the Earthfury transfer, has had a significant reduction to queue times. Last night queue started at 6:30 EST with 100 people, and that took about ~2 minutes to get in. By 7:30 pm EST the queue jumped to ~1k and about ~20 minutes wait time.

Every day the queues get shorter and shorter. I would like for someone on Herod to give us some numbers about last nights queues.


Told you so- started saying this the moment people whined about Herod queues. You pay in a queue for a week or two- but you get a live server forever.

If you are on a medium or lower server now, your server is going to be dead, period.

This is why Blizz shouldn’t have caved and kept releasing servers.


Skeram peaked at around 2.2k, ~40 minute queue last night (9PM EDT).

I’m also curious about Herod’s current situation.

Netherwind isn’t a new server, it has already been up for several days and has a medium population during peak hours already.

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I don’t know about Herod, but last night after transfers I still had a 3 hour queue on Faerlina.

I had about an hour or so queue at 9:30 ish

Roughly what time was that at?

I believe Faerlina is the highest pop server, with Herod holding 2nd place. I would guestimate that Herod would be similar.

Offer the transfer for Westfall and I’ll move over.

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But I bet you won’t have trouble finding those goretusk livers.

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For Herod? It would seem that the queue times are decreasing than even for Herod. ~1hr @ 9:30pm EDT is a lot less. I would surmise that even next week we will see a significantly larger decrease.

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People are dumb really, they open up servers to balance the que and they rather sit in a que complaining like no one is offering them a solution, i hope a meteor falls and end this dump show.


Not me - I don’t plan to switch. I’m fortunate enough to be able to beat the queue every day and haven’t had to sit in it for even a minute.

I only wrote that comment because I’d like for the transfers to work out for the folks who used them and I’d also like the queue to end so my buddies stop getting trapped in it.

I WANT to transfer. I’m on Westfall and it feels too full. Just open it up and I’ll switch ASAP.

so you admit your post is incorrect seeing as you yourself have no position to speak, both out of fact you didn’t and won’t be transferring. So leave the thread if you have nothing to stand on.

Made the dumb mistake to transfer from Whitemane to Arcanite Reaper with 59 people online total at 8am! Can we transfer back? or can you give us the option to transfer to another server so i can join some friends that started on another server due to queue times?

OP made this post what, 8 hours after the free transfers opened up?

Give it time. People will transfer to the realm slowly. And in short order blizzard will open the realm for fresh characters to be made without transferring over. The realm being dead a couple hours in doesn’t mean anything. Let’s stop with all the knee jerk reactions. Blizzard is doing a great job with classic, regardless of what the trolls will tell you.


I started my queue at 8:30 pm EDT.