Earthen UNLOCKED Thread

Fresh, frosty chip off the ole 'block.


Itā€™s a reskinned Dwarf the Horde gets access to, and has a bit of lore behind it, so Iā€™m pretty cool with it.

If I was Alliance Iā€™d be furious though. From that perspective, total nothingburger.


This Earthen was born today!

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Havenā€™t unlocked them yet but I am having a great time in this expansion so far. Let you all know if I unlocked them.

Got my Horde Earthen Retibution Paladin the day Earthen were available to unlock! Iā€™m unfortunately low on plate armor transmog options, so I tried to do the best I could with what I had until I can check out the heritage armor and see if it fits him.

Hope those who were looking forward to their Earthen are enjoying it! :rock:

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:


Who knew the last part to unlock the Earthen took so long?

I kept reading about ā€œone little partā€ left to do for the campaign. :roll_eyes:

My female Earthen is named Bejewelled. Yes it is mispelled with 2 LLā€™s because the actual spelling bejeweled was already in use.

I have been enjoying the expac, but the time-gated segment withheld from us was annoying. Because once it opened, everyone felt the need to rush through it to start an Earthen toon. In that process of questing Hallowfall and Azj-Kahet, I only took campaign quests and left the rest. Now I will have to go back leisurely and do them.

Better buffs coming for Earthen mentioned here:

Blizzard blue post:
Weā€™re working on some updates to Earthen eating.

First, we recognize that the Earthen Well Fed secondary stat bonus is not providing the intended power level. Weā€™re increasing that effect.

Secondly, weā€™re making Belgaā€™s gems edible to Earthen, improving their quality, and greatly reducing their cost.

Weā€™ll let you know when the hotfixes to make these adjustments go live.

Blizzard blue post:
Belgaā€™s gems being edible allows Earthen to eat/drink to recover health and mana.

Got mine, with bonus glorious she-beard.

Posting late, but yes made a horde one, they look amazing

I did and made her a destro lock. I love her!

made mine and leveled him to 80, thought it was going to be a meme race but actually really like how they look.

Did theyā€¦ disable it?

I guess there was a bug on Tuesday? I made one last night and lvled it to 30. Only 20 more lvls to go for the heritage set then Iā€™ll delete it. I like what blizz did with the race, and the intro, I just donā€™t care to play one. Glad people can enjoy them though!

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Literally took me 30min.

I did the prereq while leveling and doing the campaign. Then did the main story closing when I hit 80. Tuesday when the final chapter dropped I spent about 25min doing it and it was done.

The earthen prereq quest reward a LOT of XP so its best to do it when taking your first toon to 80

Race change done Icon updated but name and profile not updated say hello to Loregal and her glorious beard!

They disabled it? I got my a couple days ago probably wonā€™t play one though.

No I just unlocked it tonight!