Earthen Ring Alliance Reconnections

my IRL Friend Patriot the Human Pally. if anyone remembers that name, he passed away back in 2019

Grand Marshal Daegor
Human Priest
Tempora Heroica

(Better known as Elthor’s personal healer and infamous for rolling on DPS gear in Molten Core)

Facarious - Human Paladin, Definitely was either in Tempora Heroica in BC, or just really wanted to be? Too long ago to remember, but I’m pretty sure they were pushing end game content and I wasn’t quite there

Oldmac! my brother and I brought up your name less than a year ago! Not sure how memorable I was or why I remember you (probably the name, hell i was so young you probably made me want to heal)

Facarious - holy paladin - BC

60 Human Paladin

Paladin Captain in / Raider when reformed into … I also did a lot of raiding with and a couple other guilds back then. I was also the guild master of .

hey man what’s your btag I remember you. Phantazm#1921

I remember you! You also did a fair amount of PVP, no?