Holy snap son!!! its Zoink (the original zoink) long time no see bro!
Zoink (Gnome Warlock) ((somebody stole my name))
Legionaries, Daggers of Varian
Hey, it’s been a while and I can’t entirely remember all of the character’s I used to play, but do you remember I think it was a gnome rogue named Izy (or Izyy?), a night elf hunter Tarki, night elf warrior Azshis, or gnome warlock Flazel? I remembered having a lot of different characters and jumped around a lot, but those were my main few.
Not sure if you remember me
Startica Nelf Rogue
Achikamasaki Human priest
Washu Human lock
Prettysammy gnome warrior
High Guard
Lots of guilds I don’t remember
Tamarack Order
Tarki, Night Elf Hunter was my main. I remember having a couple close friends that I ran around with a lot. I also had a night elf warrior Azshis, a gnome rogue Izy (or Izyy, Izzy? Can’t quite remember), and a gnome warlock Flazel. I think I also had a Tommis or Siddin as well.
I probably spent most of my time hanging around Stormwind park, some of my characters were in the Stormwind Guard I believe, or Goldshire when I wasn’t questing.
Rhiane!!! It has been years! I haven’t played in a while myself but when I was it was a different server every xpac. Good to see ya!
Stabetta (aka Tabetta Bigbottom), Dwarven Female Rogue
Crimon Hounds Brigade
Dugald, Jubbyjubby, Fiha, Aelyanna (not sure, a purple haired night elf female warrior), Alrik, Wendall and so many others
Hey Saral
Keepers of the Keg
Also, miss you Atrious
I can’t even remember at this point but we definitely messed around. We might’ve met after classic it’s so long ago
Oldmac - Holy Human Pally
Simonb - Resto Shammy in BC
House of the Ambermoon
Fidelis Legio
Legends in our minds
Order of Sanctus
Can’t wait to start living the glory days again!
Hihi! Used to play a druid named Ashurai and spent time in Order of Sanctus, Fist of Amanthul, and Tempora Heroica!
I’m planning on playing on Pagle as Horde under the name Wintermelon if anyone else is doing the same and wants to catch up
Are we all playing on the only RP server there is? Bloodsail buccaneers?
Oh what a trip down memory lane this thread is. I guess see everyone soon
Xeekee, Dwarf Warrior
Order of Sanctus
and probably some other ones I can’t remember at this point
Here we go again
I was indeed!
Everyone I’ve talked to is rolling on Bloodsail Buccaneers so I’d say it’s a safe bet.
Sedo // Cop
Equilibrium folks out there?
Joeldefoort, Zeriff and many more Im sure I’d recognize. If you remember me Gavalisk#1830. Need to find a guild!
/wave Krysis
Sedo here
Today’s the day! Looking forward to seeing everybody in-game.
Holy cow, Damo!
Damo this is Domo!
Still actually have Mauvasaurus with the rest of my hunter pets, lol.