Wasn’t Longarms like in his 50s then? And i thought Pop was banned…
Good old times in OoS
Hey man you might remember me from PND this is Blueface/ Kirra. Blueface was my gnome mage and Kirra was my human priest.
I will be playing on Herod as Horde as well.
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
-Reckless Mortals
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
-anyone from that guild
So great to see so many recognizable names on this thread. Hope to see you all on Bloodsail Buccaneers!
Kirra- Human Priest
Blueface- Gnome Mage
Guilds i was with are:
Pirates Never Die (was with from BC-Cata)
The Eleventh Hour
I still remember half the PnD guild and hope to get in contact with them again to raid.
PND members
I will be playing on Herod on Horde side this go round
lol Longarms still plays on Earthen Ring I saw him when i signed on to check what I had on my priest
Do you mean Edrick? Or something like that? I haven’t heard from him in probably 5+ years.
-throws fish at Aelannor-
I got Wyst on Bloodsail, and I will likely have a few alliance alts this go around. So hi folks
•Flornhand , Night Elf Hunter.
•Order of Sanctus
I still have a lot of memories of both alliance and horde on old school Earthen Ring from both raids and my Field Marshal grind (getting GM on ER was near impossible due to a certain someone ). Some of our hunter core have been together playing games since 2004 and it’d be great to get back in touch with some old friends and rivals.
Feel free to reach out on Discord - Xul#7369
Hello, Rayveniael. This is Flornhand. I still play other games with a lot of the OoS hunter core and stay in touch with Galiand.
Recently a few others like Quitit and Alx have gotten in touch with us on Discord. It’s nice to see so many familiar faces.
I remember you Feo, we had a lot of good times together. Hope you and Andralas are doing ok.
Howdy folks! I had a number of characters over the years.
During Vanilla, I mainly played:
Purloin - gnome rogue
Amend - human priest
Pizzazz - human mage
and though she didnt become my main until BC, I also had
Ceren - nelf druid
I was a member of a number of small guilds back then, and I honestly dont remember the names of most of them.
Definitely going to Bloodsail Buccaneers so hope to catch up with anyone I might’ve played with back then!
Ya know, I might remake my Human Warlock over there for shytz and giggles just to join you all.
BNet - PattonJ007#1100
Well, there’s a name I haven’t seen in a while! Maybe I’ll see you around!
Omg i remeber and miss Briee, she was one of my priest buddies back in the day
Arlena reporting in, your lovable shadow priest and wanna-be warlock!
My three characters that I used to play on Earthen Ring are:
Cattara, NE druid
Maedaine, NE priest
Amri, NE hunter
Alright, lets try this again
also… open to server atm >.> but have char saved on Pamel Horde side Rogue
I may join you dude