Earthen Racial: Ingest Minerals

The only viable class for Earthen right now is mage. If you roll anything else, don’t expect to be able to do any dungeon content, or even delves.

If you haven’t taken damage, second wind heals you for 6% hp every second.

I’m sorry, 35 seconds, followed by another almost eleven seconds. It’s still almost a minute of downtime. I tend to agree with the above posters. They don’t seem at all viable for any sort of advanced content right now. Hopefully Blizz will come up with a solution sooner rather than later. I loved the opening quest for the Earthen. Very cool being able to pick what motivates your character!

If you haven’t taken damage, second wind heals you for 6% hp every second. Full stop. If you’re under 35% you heal for 1% every second regardless of any damage taken, but if you have not taken damage you will still heal 6% a second + that 1% every second while under 35%.

This racial is insanely bad.

Not saying that it’s a particularly spectacular tradeoff, but Earthen CAN eat and heal/restore mana. They just have to eat a cut gem instead of food - it doesn’t only change your Well Fed buff, it also restores your bars.

Right now if I want to heal and get some mana in a dungeon, I have been queueing up for a Follower Dungeon then stealing the Mage NPC’s food and leaving. Not very intuitive but it works.

Edit: There’s an NPC named Belga in the Southern area of Dornogal who sells cheap gems. I don’t think the tooltip is right in saying it alters your food buff because it doesn’t for me no matter which I eat.

Earthen have an ability in their spellbook called “Quiet Contemplation”. It restores 4.5m HP and 3.7m MP over 20 seconds. It’s a free “food” spell to use on your toolbar and it’s available for any class.