Dynamic respawns?

So if I understand this correctly, you feel that somehow players shouldn’t be able to “solo lvl” 1-10?? There are optional quests that are more challenging that “might” require a few players to complete, but that’s it.

The only time I have ever seen required “group content” while leveling up is when you start doing the actual dungeons.

Well I’ll still happily share server space with you because even though some of us might be “misinformed” I realize it’s just a discussion and not worth belittling other people. I’d rather work together, even if my concerns are ultimately well intentioned if unfounded.

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This is good news for people like me who don’t care about pre-60 experiences. This will help me greatly on the rush to 60. Thanks for fixing this.

You do not.

That’s way more Vanilla-like than you might think, man. They actually used dynamic respawns back in 2004. Confirmed by Mark Kern.

Do you know what is not Vaniilla-like? Sharding and Layering.




People have an irrational dislike for the Vanilla Team Lead who made the game they’re all here dying to play again.

Anyway, thanks to the Blue for confirming this is authentic to Vanilla.


The vanilla team lead who tweeted " layering is good", got educated by a random person, then literally tweeted " layering is bad."

That guy?

in vanilla I very much remember not being able to kill every mob in a pack in the noob zones. As soon as you killed the last of something the game seemed to FORCE SPAWN one back up.
Sorry your memory isn’t that good.

I played the Demo and all of the stress tests, and found that if you did not group up with people, the wait for mobs was a long time.
Today it was different. I stood on a little hill away from people killing trolls and boars and they respawned very quickly. I was able to get to lvl 6 in 2 hrs, when before it took a lot longer. It felt like retail.

I didn’t play vanilla, however, my friends who did said that part of its charm is the fact that you had to group up to kill stuff, so you had more of a community feel.

This thread is dead. A dev posted.

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Who cares about that? That’s way off-topic. Facts are facts. He worked on the game and was the lead at the time.


So why are you spamming? What does it matter what his current opinion is on the game in this topic?

Let’s be fair, it’s entirely rational to dislike him if you’ve been following what he’s been up to after Vanilla.


The only one spamming here is you. You asked a question, did not like the answer, and have spammed non stop since. Are you done?

You derailed the topic with “LOL” without any context whatsoever, because you dislike someone’s opinion on something that has nothing to do with the current topic and what I was talking about. Thanks, I am done.

You should have been done a half a dozen posts ago.

There was nothing off topic about my response. I’m not the one that went off topic and brought Kern into the conversation to laughably try to back up a point. :wink:

How dare someone have an open mind, and change their stance based on someone else’s argument.