Dynamic respawns need to be in the game in order for this to work

I don’t understand your point of view. The starting experience in a crowded zone is not fun for me and I can image for a person who’s never played the game it wouldn’t be fun for them either. And again it’s not the experience I had back in 2005.

You completely missed the point about not wanting to start an alt if the starting zone was going to be a terrible experience. And again this is in the Human starting zone which somehow is much more popular, but also seemingly designed for fewer players.

Over crowding is a solvable problem.

It is also a very short term problem. I would much rather they not have layering and have a few hours of overload (but stable servers that are not crashing) than to have layering like they did here at the end of test. You design for the normal and manage the exceptions, and initial launch load in starter areas is the exception. Classic is all about player interaction with other players and the environment. The layering as it stands right now at end of test is a solo player game, it is not enjoyable or what those of us that played pre BC begged for that started this whole project.
Maybe they can do some layering just in the initial sheltered starter (1-5lvl) areas only? Yes I fully understand and agree that the number of players in one place on startup was not enjoyable and did not work, but changing the core of what made the game what it was just to fix that one problem is not the answer. Beyond those areas there needs to be no layering at all, not sure if that is possible?

The game is different than the experience you got playing the game.

The experience depends on so many factors it is literally impossible to recreate. The game, however, can be faithfully recreated, and new experiences can be born from it.

If you don’t enjoy the overpopulated starting areas, don’t play during the launch, because that is an inevitability that not even layering will be able to change.

I didn’t miss the point, at all. I simply disagree that the game should be changed just because you don’t enjoy it.

If you like being phased out of larger crowds so you never have to compete for mobs, go play BfA and enjoy sharding there, because that’s where that sort of crap belongs.

It’s not necessarily designed to have fewer players. It just has one race starting there instead of two.

Human has almost always been the most popular race on the Alliance.

At the expense of the game, sure. A bad game will never be overcrowded.

Agreed. The worst part of any expansion launch was lag, disconnects, and crashes. Competing for mobs to complete quests is part of vanilla, and it’s a good thing.

I fail to see how waiting an hour to kill 10 boars with two other 5 man groups beating you to kills is a good thing, but ok.

I wont play during prime time. That simple. Best part about being in Europe. I play while Aussies are in bed and US is at work. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I do not think anyone thinks that is a “good thing” but it WAS part of Classic and many of us do not feel they should alter what is an essential and integral part of the fabric of the Classic game just to make it easier for everyone the 1st few hours. Lets make the game not classic anymore because the classic system will be overloaded… Ugly little Catch 22.

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You rolled fresh servers on vanilla’s launch day and didn’t deal with what happened in the stress test? The stress test simulates EVERYONE trying to get on AT THE SAME TIME. It’s not supposed to simulate what happens on day 4, or 5, or at the end of week 1.

He was too busy waiting in a queue or crashing to desktop.

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I very distinctly remember that they did do something about the bottle necking, and to think they shouldn’t is disingenuous.

The problem, and you’re aware of, is that unlayered realms will be far more at risk of falling into low pop or even worse, dead status.

Then don’t wait. Move on! Get ahead of the pack.
At launch I expect to skip the overcrowded quests, think on my toes and adapt to the situation.

Dynamic respawns would fix all the problems and remove the need for layering.

Hate to nitpick but blizzard kinda blurred the lines of what actually beta’s/stress testing is for during BFA when they just buried their heads in the sand when it came to feedback, it’s only natural people are concerned and questioning this.

No, dynamic respawn isn’t the best choice.

What about named ? If they respawn faster it make the whole leveling pointless where you had to find and wait for those named to respawn.
And because of this you had to group with the others players…

What’s wrong with you ??? It’s like you only care about RUSH the leveling.
Are you here to play Classic or BFA ?
Waiting a bit won’t kill you.

Based on what evidence?

The servers can’t handle a massive number of players. The game, however, is not designed to handle thousands of players questing in a single area.

This just isn’t accurate. There is very little player interaction when players are camping spawn location and trying to tag as many mobs as they can so they can get away from the crowds. I purposefully made an effort to join as many groups as I could and made an effort to engage as many people as I could to see if there was any significant “player interaction” and “community” in that environment and there wasn’t any. I got one response from a single group when I asked how many they have left and never heard from anyone before or since. I had someone invite me to a group so they could get credit for the mobs I was killing and then they left the group without ever saying a single word. They didn’t respond to anything I said and never eve said thankyou.

From my experience getting out of the Human area is a single player game with bots.

That is ridiculous hyperbole the “core” of the game isn’t changed by layering. What’s to say you’ll be interacting with significantly less people with layering?

With EU servers not being separated by languages it looks like going to US servers is the only way to increase the chances of being with other English speaking players. Farming in the morning will be easier here in the EU on US servers.

You are assuming without any data.

Well, that and I don’t have an EU account. Being an expat from the US, I’ve been playing on US servers since before launch.

Was it? It wasn’t when I played back in 2005. The starting areas still had plenty of people, but questing wasn’t significantly slowed by it.

If you are going to leave the starting area what quests are you going to do at level 1? What level 1 or level 2 mobs are you going to kill to level up?

I’m also an expat from the US, I actually started playing in the UK on US servers so it will be similar to old times.

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Theyre assuming you’re going to get a group, move into the level 5 area, and grind on those.