Duskwood Alliance Reconnections

Sup dude


Name: Enalhaggis Dwarf Hunter
Guild: Reluctant Orange -up until the announcement raid…
Would love to meet up with any of my old guild mates for launch.


Hi Joyce, name rings a bell, I was also in RO, (Reqiuem after) from Molten Core to the implode raid in Naxx. Enalhaggis the hunter, left game after TBC. Will be playing on one of the east coast servers for launch, would love to meet up with any of the old crew.

Name: Sasarez, Night Elf, Rogue
Guild: Santa Cruz Thugs, which turned into Knights of Oblivion, I then joined Trojan for raiding, and after that… I joined a split off branch from Trojan, I just can’t remember the name

Hello, Sasarez here from before, I ran the guild Knights of Oblivion if anyone remembers that, I don’t remember too many names, cause we were a huge leveling guild. Nobel, a paladin; Agreendayfan, priest; Belsabo, priest; Monkitua. warrior;Sniffles, Rogue. Memory is a fickle thing.

OMG! It’s been so long! You were my favorite Warlock!

Pancake says Hi! If you remember him lol

hey dude i remember you! - i’ll be running a guild on Pagle (EST PvE) if you’re interested in joining us. hit me up on discord if you are robbiejandro#7458

Yeah, yeah, you’ve always been a cranky ol coot :wink:

Right on man. I’ve been seriously considering running on Atiesh as well, although more than anything I want to play on an active server. Either way I’m not sure if I’m actually gonna be able raid much unfortunately. I guess we will see…

Awesome! Sounds like you are in a similar situation as many of our players. We have about 20-25 people from my current guild at least rolling a character, but we aren’t sure we have the time commitment. Going to take it as it comes and not rush. Feel free to join us!

I’ll be a Dwarf Warrior on Atiesh named Osiris, of course. Any other old friends feel free to hit me up as well!

I remember you :wink: We left to create The Fallen Gods, how are you?

Name: Fily
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Reluctant Orange (Requiem after the merge, but that period of time is murky for me).

I see a few old RO members out there! I definitely remember you, Joyce.

i remember you too dude! excited for classic?

let me know if you wanna join up again with myself and Enalhaggis from RO - have a guild with about 60 people signed up so far.

trying to convince vidae to play with us as well but that’s proving difficult :smiley:

hit me up on discord (robbiejandro#7458) if you wanna chat, even if you dont wanna join

Very excited. Honestly, after vanilla I never really played the game properly again. I played a bit in MoP and would get to level cap in each expansion, but nothing compares. RO was such an awesome time, I still think about it.

What server are you guys thinking? I wanted to play on a PvP realm in eastern time zone. Open to Alliance or Horde.

I think I’m also going to go with priest, but haven’t fully decided yet. Can’t put myself through playing paladin while raiding again lol.

gotcha - sounds like fun dude

we’re rolling on Pagle (PVE)

Name: Seck
Race:Night Elf
Guild: Mojo

Previous people I have played with are Hashi, Sereine, Badmortigan, Gilbz, Ultra, Shortbusman, Thuvia, Orien, Azatha

Name: Keyblade, Blueshadow
Race: Gnome, Nelf
Class: Warlock, Hunter
Guild: Redemption

Lot of familiar names here! What a trip.

Name: Hells, Night Elf Warrior
Guild: Veritas

Vendetta, Papillon, Stampede, Luther, Bartotkk, Babylon, Liddy, Klerik, countless others

EDIT: Playing Alliance on Skeram under the name Hells. Look me up!

Name: Grimthul
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Salvation of Dalaran, Started a guild with a couple friends. Those were the good old days showing off your stuff in Iron Forge

I think I still play with a few guildmates. xobad and Rowann.

Name: Kristoph (also known simply as K)
Race: Human
Class: Paladin
Guild: Rules of Engagement; Arctic Storm; Angels of Light
Looking for: Nycteras and Erravel