Duskwood Alliance Reconnections

hahahaha the oven mitts! dude those were my jam - all the other priests were holding onto their DKP for tier gear, and i was just taking all the other crap, lol

Name: Greenspeak + Nixnil + Shivshank
Race: Night elf + Dwarf + Night elf. Human, gnome
Class: Druid + Hunter + Rogue
Guild: Salvation of Dalaran + Same…

Lets see… Razorclaws, Zailyin, Polymorphis, Rir, Twospears, Damage, Gnomercy, Talnar. Gilinocter, Sorenblaze, Carita, Tanix… Thats all I can remember now. These were people that I guilded with in vanilla and early BC. Here are the toons I played then and now.

Name: Greenspeak + Nixnil + Shivshank
Race: Night elf + Dwarf + Night elf. Human, gnome
Class: Druid + Hunter + Rogue
Guild: Salvation of Dalaran + Same…

I was in The Lost Hunt and then it was changed to The Breakfast Club right?

Character names were Artirius and Fastclutch.

My buddies name was Dazanderos you might remember him too.

Nytmysts - Nelf Resto Druid - Alliance Leader
LF our late Vanilla early BC guildies

Guild : The Fallen Gods

Let me try this once more :wink: It threw my random alt up there

Nytmysts- Nelf Resto Druid - Alliance Leader
LF our late Vanilla early BC guildies

Guild: The Fallen Gods

Throw in a few names of peeps in the guild: Kuantrel, Slicedaddy, Gokhubs, Jambi, Cheetra, Brugamos, Zom, Big Art, Norali, Antiaman, RML, Minikim, Aalendra, Grainger, Khasak, Zomander, Enden, Mason, Killa, Trinz so many more.

Name: Elveram
Race: Night Elf
Class: Holy Priest

Name: Root
Race: Night Elf
Class: Resto Druid

I played for a very long time, but due to my time zone I never could raid much. Nevertheless made it to Naxx on my Priest before BC.

I recall a few guilds mentioned here and have been in a few.

Name: Lancelots
Race: Human
Class: Paladin

Stopped Playing and raiding towards the end of TBC.

Rudi - Gnome - Lock

I most definitely remember raiding with you in Redemption, Sarsoman.

Azereki, Human Warrior
Guild: Genesis / Titan

Looking for old guild / raid leaders: Singen & Fura

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Hi folks.

I was in The Risen. Schlange-Human Rogue, Uncleted-Dwarf Hunter and Splatters-Human Lock. We pretty much peaked at Kara and then drama tore it apart. Which seems to be a common element in this thread. Pretty much gave up the ghost in late WOTLK. Would be interested to hear from anyone that was part of the old guild.

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Played a Pally in Summit with Truth (NE Druid) after we rolled on Duskwood from Aggramar horde-side. Dont remember the pally’s name but his Orc Warrior was Reznik.

Played super casual as a NE rogue named Ranien who didn’t know how backstab worked. I believe the guild I was in was Lords of Cirrus. I’m still friends with Stagg from there, if that rings any bells.

I was in Aiel with a mage named Sorenblaze, maybe that was you? I played a Gnome Mage, Cysil. It was more early BC.

Later played in Vandals, also as a NE druid Treesus.

I remember you lol … I recall inspecting you daily to see if there was anything new acquired. Glad to see your still involved with WoW

Vision! I was Myrage (DPS warrior). I remember a few names. Deputy and Sheriff for sure, it was a real good guild. Fond memories!

Looking for the guild The Ancient or AFK Played with BRK, Oldman,Lesnar,Arwind Opal,Lunkar
My toons Smokinroaches, Unouwantit, Manafest, Holysoul, jenta

Character: Rampgepriest
Don’t remember the guild.

If anyone remembers me, lemme know. I have a bad memory lul.

Was a discipline priest with over 11k mana, healed ZG, AQ alot. UBRS, LBRS, etc.


Name: Barloft
Race: Human
Class: Warrior

Cleared Molten Core, and Blackwing Lair.