You think you did, but you didn’t. lol
This is it!
Black Guard?
Nemesis (we jumped ship to Arygos, so we could actually log in and raid)
Nemesis Prime
Fluffy Bunnies!!! (thx for the reminder Phelix)
names I can remember (I have chronic CRS)… Stanofearth, Muddoc, Alex, Phelix, Void, Cedridbenson, Thetailor, Mortaki, Mortix, Tommydavis, and a ton of rl names from voice chat (ventrillo ftw!!)
Came to wow (open beta), with a core group, from my Earth and Beyond then Lineage II days.
I thought I was in a facebook group, years ago. I don’t see one, now.
Pagle is full, and I’m not fast enough, for pvp, anymore. (I rely on assistive devices) I saved my toon to the other 3 pve servers, but i can’t do a fourth. I’d happily delete them, to join pagle, if that’s the one!
Character Name : Adhalia
Race : Night Elf
Class : Hunter
Guilds : Durotan Nights, Ephemera, Provoked Prophets, The Highbourne.
Alts : Azshanna, Soulflayer.
If you are Claul, you were my first wow friend. Wherever you are, you rock dude!
Hey! its Deacon the prot/holy pally from ehpememera. Long time no see!
Greetings Durotan
So many names/faces i have missed from the early days
I played a Night Elf Hunter quite the noob at first and still a bit to this day.
Looking for Daxterix
cant recall all the names or spelling so if you was my friend add me and lets catch up or any of the old members of that great time in wow history
Guilds Eon/Monolith
Hit me back on here or add my btag Goosefraba#1909
Discord Gooseman#3619
I remember ya, Scrat. Jermaine (Tauren druid) here from PVP days. I still have Validon on bnet after we reconnected a few years ago!
Good to see familiar Ally names in this thread, Iruga where you at?!
Pizzaboy Night Elf Huntard
More Myth
Real ID: Fixxx3r#1663
Going to Herod to play with a hand full of people l keep in touch with. I will be either playing pally or priest with Wheeler/Kooka/ And few others on alliance.
yo dax add me on discord Gooseman#3619
battle tag is Goosefraba#1909
Character: Funnyman - NE hunter
I played in a bunch of guilds and never really stuck around in any one place for too long, but I remember playing with a few people specifically, Blooder (NE rogue), Muiana (NE warrior), and Nakasumi (NE druid)/Hari (NE rogue). If anyone remembers me though, feel free to add me at AnandaAudaX#1766.
Donax if you See this you should Run some BGs in Classic
Name: Frostflame
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guilds: Aspire, Leviathan, Chimera (TBC)
Sup Damoghlen and Loknar! Logged into my old toons for the first time in a decade yesterday and still had you guys in my friend list.
Will be rolling on a PVP server this time, but won’t forget the memories from good ol’ Durotan.
Ithilian - 60 Dwarf Hunter
Played most of my prime raiding days in AG under my hunter, Ith. Swapped over to my DK, Aristeia, when wrath came out but never really raided again since.
Getting real nostalgic looking at those old familiar names in this screenshots.
GOOOSE! Good to see you!
Templater - Night elf warrior
Was in The Crimson Brigade.
I remember alot of the Slayers of Oz peeps because they helped me get my Quel’serrar quest done back in the day.
Our old twink 49 guild still exists “Convento De Santa Theresa”
I’m hoping some old guildies log back on, so far there’s a couple of us returning. Missing Axlefoley (aka Gnomerpile) and Proximo (aka Shazam) among some others.
Hope to see you at least for a couple of months, let’s reconnect!!!
Sup Goose!
Good to see some ex eon/monolith folks in this thread. I’ll be on Stalagg if anyone wants to join me Discord is Seraph#2411
Banwin / 60 Human Warrior
Guilds: Domination
Damn crazy after all these years seeing all these names and guilds. I miss DPS racing all of Domination’s players in MC lol.
#Freshprince1821 if anyone wants to add for classic or to catch up.
That was one of the great parts of classic. We all helped eachother where we could
How have you been Templater? I thought you had a familiar name! (Gwenevive - Priest - Slayers of Oz)
Ticien, Night Elf Druid / Piktong, Human Warrior
I’m looking for anyone who was part of the original run of a small guild called Shadows of Divinity, either from when Pancho ran it or when I did.
I and Pinger are playing on Myzrael Alliance under our old names