Durotan Alliance Reconnections

Theres a blast from the past.
Vampyrr playing as myself :stuck_out_tongue: 60 Night Elf Warrior
Guild: Domination mainly Chimera briefly


Briaaaaa do I have you on BNet ? if not add me Vampyrr#1919

Name: Waylord/Bridgess
Race: Human
Class: Warrior/Priest
Guild: Leviathan

I’m going to be playing on Faerlina, if anyone wants to join add me! time#11546

If anyone from Leviathan reads this, I just want you to know that to this day some of my fondest memories were made playing with you guys. And so for that, thank you.

I think so, if I dont I’ll add you when I get out of work today

what server everyone pickin? I was thinkin Myzreal cuz I am a night owl so later starts works best for me

Wheeler & Bob! holy balls haven’t heard the words more myth in like 11 years!! I had to google what discord is, bout to download it, but let me know how we catch up before release! \m/

Dude Jack and Wylan!! ahahaha I could never forget you guys, especially Jack raging when we were wiping on Illidan! No lie some of the best times I ever had to this day was raiding with you guys <3 let me know to connect

Name: Sneakymcdoom (et al.)
Race: Night Elf
Class: Rogue
Guild: Operating in Exile, Talonstrike, Hand of Fate

Had some good times on the server forum back in the day. Hope everyone is well! This community is the reason I have a social anthropology degree.

I am! Hop on Stormrage ally sometime (I also play horde on zj and bleedinghollow) and i’ll give you my bnet :slight_smile:

Edit: It’s nikita#1491 - feel free to add anyone I played with in Vanilla!

Hey all.
Dwarf Warrior: Beltzer
Guild: Guardians of the Alliance

Name: Nikitabanana
Race: Human
Class: Priest
Guild: Nightcrawlers, Illumination

I’ll be somewhere, most likely Herod. Would love to reconnect with anyone I pvp’d with or raided with before I left for Turalyon. Even if we raided after that, send me a msg!

Name: Thrain
Race: Dwarf
Class: Paladin
Guild: Knights of Valor (Apex, Sin, That Other Guild in BC)

I still play on Durotan. Would love to reconnect with old Vanilla friends as well as all the people I pvped with during BC in Donax’s premade groups.


Jellybeans and I created a Durotan discord if anyone wants to chat realtime ever: discord.gg/VrxHAy (invite expires in a day to prevent abuse) - Briaa can also invite anytime as well.

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wassup bb boi =)

Name: Jellybeans
Race: Night Elf
Class: Hunter
Guild: Defiant

Greetings friends!

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Also, my bnet is pizzatime#11389. Feel free to add me even if we didnt play together =)

Name: Tredian
Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Guild: Defiant

I’ll be back somewhere as a warrior. Funny hat still mandatory.

Name: Manas
Race: Human
Class: Mage
Guilds: Uber Midget Alliance II, Council of the Maelstrom, Defiant, Sakura Yume

BC and on:
Name: Hawkmoon
Race: Tauren
Class: Druid
Guilds: Sad Pandas, Incoming Death

Good to see so many old names! Wylan, Tredian, Wheeler, Jellybeans, Marlak, Belmate! Apologies if I missed anyone. I’ll be playing a mage somewhere. Haven’t decided if it’ll be Horde or Alliance though.

Kooka/Pizzaboy/Myself are going to roll on Herod/Fairbanks Alliance (PVP). Main plan is Herod, if it goes sideways due to Asmongold/Some other streamer, we’re going to go to Fairbanks. Herod is looking to be close to a 50/50 split right now, with one of the highest populations. Fairbanks is horde-biased, but has a smaller population if stuff gets out of hand.

MAAN im like… tearing up seeing all these names… MAAN makes you feel old.