During the Second War, a High Elven Fleet pursued a pair of Ogre Juggernauts out into the open sea


Berenstain bears.

Seriously… I could’ve sworn they were Orc Juggernauts too… good lord.

So:… new ogre allied race?

Yeah, I mean, this fixes it… and you probably wrote this up in half the time it takes to do a cube crawl.

The Horde already has 2 Clans of Ogres plus a hodge-podge of Ogres, Ogrillons, and Gronns in the Horde that could be ambassadors to get them to join, The ones from Draenor could vouch for the Horde due them having saved them. High Elves would likely either just join the Blood Elves (High Elves from this point didn’t ACTUALLY care about the Alliance at all, they mostly played lip service because their King at the time was kind of a piece of garbage.) so they’d probably just follow whoever was in charge, MAYBE a few would run off to the Alliance, but again, most of them never really cared until Warcraft 3, and these remnants of Warcraft 2.

What would be more interesting is if these Elves absorbed the magics of the Isles and become some Dragon Elves or something.

That or the Elves and Ogres interbreed and create a new Race that is strong like the Ogres, yet smart and dexterous like the Elves. I admittedly kinda thought of this when I saw the title.


Ogres have ships? What are they made of? Ogre :poop:?

Ogre juggernauts are amongst the heaviest and most advanced ships in the setting.

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If this gave us playable Ogres, I’d say make it happen. Ogres and Tinkers, that’s all that left on my wishlist. Maybe Kalu’ak. I would get endless enjoyment with a playable walrus person.

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What part is that aimed at? Or is it all of us?

As someone who actually played orcs in Warcraft 2, I assure you they were ogre juggernauts.

So… orcs? Orcs is what you’re describing there.

The Alliance has a right on playable High Elves which was denied for a very long time while we got Blood Elves because we Asian requested beautiful races to playable at the Horde-side. It’s a well documented issue with several quotes.

Biggest misstep will was to give them Void Elves during Legion.

This has never been a thing.