Dungeons not fun and its not even Blizzards Fault

Make mana a thing again then. Nothing more boring as a healer when nobody takes damage.


I don’t think it’s really about the dungeons, the whole game is based around m+. If they made the dungeons “harder” then it would also make the m+ ones unbearable for the majority of players. Sure it would be great for people selling carries.

I think the problem here overall is the scaling that’s what makes it very easy. It’s just broken across the board.

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That still doesn’t free up the possibility of getting a unhinged tank. At this point its almost a statistical certainty. They’re all juiced up on M+ mentality.
I mean heck, I did my first dungeon ever in DF, at level 62 two days ago (almost a week after release) and the tank we got was a nutcase zoomer. What are the odds? The one we replaced him with wasn’t a nutcase, but was still a zoomer.


make your own group. Pull 1 mob at a time cc rest. Spend 2 hours in one dungeon.


Dear OP,
It is 100% Blizzard’s fault if people can just speed run through dungeons. Blizzard developers are the people who create the dungeons in a manner that allows this to happen.


I’m sure someone else wants to roleplay and spend forever in dungeons based on how many posts I see like this.

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There is something fun about being a tank and pulling a couple packs together and going ham on them and trying to stay alive. I wouldn’t criticize the tanks too much unless you enjoy 4 hour queues.


I assume most tanks are getting ready and learning optimal speed and routes for M+.

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I miss the difficulty of cata dungeons. I miss the days before the difficulty was just racing a clock. Yeah dungeons took longer but you also had to work as a team. If someone was underperforming more often than not they were helped instead of kicked. Nowdays dungeons are nothing more than “keep up or get booted”, “you’re wasting my time because I’m too self-important”, etc.


Can you help me find some of these speed runs?

I did 4 m0s last night on my alt and the tanks couldnt have gone any slower. We had lust for every boss and we didnt wait for CDs… it was that bad.

Why must groups go SO SLOW in m0s. Its not hard content ppl lets go.


Agreed. It’s fun. Which is where it is kind of Blizzard’s fault in not making difficulty less of magnitude and more of strategy.
Also, where does “going ham a little too much, dying to poor healer trying to keep up, then rage-quitting group” fit? Those are getting to be a dime a dozen.

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if you are only queuing in to speed racers, you are the minority. Make your own group.


I’ve been pulling very conservatively in dungeons; however, it doesn’t matter. Either the healer or a DPS will run ahead and pull extra packs to speed up the dungeon run.


Your last point is fair…I’m usually the healer trying to keep up and fortunately I don’t see too many tanks pull so much it I can’t heal out of it.

Blizzard WANTED players who will do the same end-game over and over to get a shot at a reward that allows them to do the next level of the same thing over and over. It’s cost effective. They built the game to cater to such people and therefore this is the majority of the player-base they have.

Coming in now, after they chased away so many other sorts of players, trying to make more world content? Good luck with that, Blizz. You don’t undo years and years of treating many of your players like crap with one expac that tries to do a little better.


When I get around to tanking this content, I promise I will not go stupid fast. I will gauge the group, as I always do, and keep a consistent pace.

This. It’s people rando practicing gogogogogogo… even though they’re not running with their regular team. Dumb.

NO - You wanna speed run? YOU make your own group.


Majority rule.

You don’t get to dictate the pace of content you’re not even doing yet.


When I want to enjoy the dungeon, I party up with family and guilds who know going in, there’s no need to race.

If I’m in a random queue, go go go!! I have other things to do lol!!


This is why I only run with guildies and friends. I suggest this for everyone. Pugging sucks.


Really does… pugs go so damn slow… its so annoying.

Maybe it was just last night but every pug was dreadful.

I need my 3k+ io friends so we can cruise through these in 15 mins each. Not 45 mins.