Dungeon vote kick system needs to be removed

It’s always abused. Remove it or let the kicked person get in que instantly for a new one. Groups vote yes without even looking at the reason.

You are posting in a thread that proves this statement wrong.


Grats, you’ve opened LFG to trolls and people who hold groups hostage because they want something / don’t want to do that dungeon. And as you’ve now allowed them to get a group again instantly… they don’t even get punished for it.

I remember the days of this before kicks gave deserter… it was a miserable time. If you got occulus as your dungeon (back in wrath) most tanks would have a hissy fit and afk until you kicked them, so you would be waiting ages for a tank, and the tanks would just force you to kick them. After all, if you left you’d get deserter… they wouldn’t as they got booted.

Basically if you’re getting kicked too many times, so that this is getting annoying for you, then maybe you should look at yourself for the reason.


maybe it will teach the hunter not to use barrage and pick a better talent.


Right? It’s been garbage for how many xpacs now?

lol, that was my thought. I mean I have 4 hunters and every time I use that in a dungeon I know I am risking getting kicked and wiping the group so I am really really careful when I do use it. I personally wouldn’t have a problem with being kicked in that situation since I know I took a chance.

OP’s solution is sort of bizarre though given the circumstances - if there was no vote to kick people would either leave or be abusive so the best situation is currently the one existing.

Looking at OP post that provided the details - the system is working exactly as it should - OP got kicked and the hunter got kicked - working as intended.

So then kick that person or leave and join a new group. That’s what I’m suggesting. Let me quit a group without putting me in timeout.

Let me kick someone without putting them in timeout.

How is anyone held hostage that way? I dungeon a lot and people don’t get kicked left and right. If I have ever been kicked from a dungeon, I don’t remember it. We’re talking about a relatively low percentage of dungeon runs that experience this.

I don’t see how letting people leave or letting people get kicked without a timeout hurts anybody.

I join a dungeon queue and get Stonecore.
We all zone in.
Tank A hates Stonecore and drops group.
We wait and wait and wait.
Tank B joins but then Healer A left a second before because they were tired of waiting.
We wait and wait and wait.
Tank B drops because she’s tired of waiting for a healer. DPS A also drops because they’re tired of the musical chair game.
Me and DPS B wait and wait and wait.
DPS B drops because they’re tired of waiting.
Tank C joins and sees a group with no healer and one DPS. Immediately leaves.

This ^ will happen all the time if you take away the punishment for dropping a group.


The whole reason why VtK was implemented in first case was for people queueing, not liking the dungeon they landed and then just refusing to do anything until kicked out so they could requeue, leaving the rest of the group incomplete and stuck until a new member joined. For DPS this was not so bad but when it happens to be a tank or a healer, yeah, you are better off disbanding and waiting another 30m+ for the queue.

Excellent, even less reason to remove VtK :slight_smile:

silly 5 man group… teeeheeeeheeeee oh no trying to fill slot for someone else buh bye!!! friends vote kick plz even though player did nothing wrong!
3 hours later their friend has not signed in… 20 kicks later… teeeheeheee love these kicks! (whisper comes in) you kicked me why because you were waiting for me! Kicks the kicker out of the guild.

Teehehehehehehe same feeling of accomplishment when denying a driver trying to cut you off.

I never suggested getting rid of it. At all.

It should be removed in LFD and players that break the rules by holding a group hostage or in general breaking game rules by being derogatory should indeed be handled by Blizz and not a random deserter debuff that clearly has not solved anything.

Sure if you can up with a PERFECT solution dealing with jerks who deliberately sabotage the run for (pick one of)

  • not being absolutely perfect
  • not doing would he wants
  • not giving him that item
  • simply because he wants to BE a jerk

Because what happens when people are allowed to do that - then people in instances have to wait in queue 10 or more minutes again and that is hardly fair when those people already waited once. It is always tanks or healers that would do this.

It is always tanks or healers that would do this.

I routinely wait for 10+ minutes in queue as a healer, and I almost never vote yes on a group kick (my exception is AFK people who never left the start or who DC’d and didn’t come back). I have experienced long queues since BfA started (I didn’t play WoD or Legion when they were current).

An excellent point was made upthread with an example scenario of why my suggestion wouldn’t solve the problem, so I’m good with that. I was just trying to talk to OP and sympathize and offer solutions.

But healers don’t have insta-queue and are just as replaceable as DPS in LFD. At least…that’s been my experience in my two server groups.

Where is the proof that deserter hasn’t solved the problem it was intended to deal with? I have never had someone try to hold a group hostage because they can’t. They would get kicked if they even tried and that defeats the purpose of holding a group hostage.

If chat is getting too hot to handle then individuals do have the option to remove themselves from the situation or the group can decide to remove them if desired.

I hate to say it, but this vote kick system is the price we pay for having a random group finder system because you simply cannot force people to play together.

Either you have a system where the leader, who essentially owns the group for lack of a better term, select the people they want to play with for that activity and has the power to remove people, or you randomly get grouped with other people and the majority gets to decide who they play with.

3 guildies, who are technically the majority, can’t even pass a vote kick anymore without a yes vote from a 4th person from what I understand.

My advice? Be aware when a vote kick comes up and be fair when you vote. If the vote doesn’t go through then don’t speak up and get into an argument with the other players, just let your vote speak for what you think is fair, if people leave that’s their right of course and if you don’t like the group then take yourself out of the situation and go play fetch with the dog or mop the kitchen, play another game for 30 minutes.

The general LF d, r … anything can be misused, its suppose to make gathering groups quickly. There is a price tag to quickness, lack of knowledge of who you are grouping with. Me? if i didn’t like the group i just left, no need for kicks.

About twice a year I get kicked from an instance by a bunch of kids being idjits. It happens.

I’ll gladly trade that for what I experienced just this past week: I use island expeditions to level alts and four times this week alone, someone got killed and then just sat on the boat after resurrecting. Totally AFK. In one of those cases the other guy who was still on the island with me asked one if he was coming and the guy basically blamed us for his death and told us he wasn’t moving without an apology. He got a vote-kick instead.

If the system didn’t exist, we would have either had to kiss his rear end to get him to move, or we would have failed the instance. So no, the system is working as intended.

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Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail:

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[Laughs in Instiques]