Dungeon vote kick system needs to be removed

Your vote kick system in general 5 mans needs to be removed until you can remedy the issues.

It is doing MORE DAMAGE than good.
It was a solution to a problem, but now it is the problem. At least it’s a bigger problem than it was intended to fix.

I could list why…but if you don’t know why, then you are also part of the problem. there are plenty of complaint posts about the system.

Remove it until you can remedy it please.


Oh yeah i can now afk dungeons or pretend to :slight_smile:


No. Kicking in dungeons is needed.

For every one “I’m a victim!” story, there are probably hundreds of stories about jerks being jerks.

Besides, three people shouldn’t be forced to play with one if they don’t want to. Majority rules.


Yep that’s totally going to solve the issue you see, not explaining yourself at all and then insulting the people who don’t know. Then, not suggesting a fix for the problem that you see but choose not to mention because we all should ‘know’. And of course, saying something should be ‘removed’ in the first place rather than fixed, of which would produce many more problems due to people that could easily troll.

Can I get a “counterproductive?”


And let’s have the inmates run the asylum while we are talking about poorly thought out ideas.


Hey blues. Care to post the OPs chat logs?


Happy sunday!

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Removing it would cause more damage. Think of all the jerks and GOGOGO guys out there. With no way to get rid of them they can afk all they want.


The remedy is either 1) remove LFD, 2) remove deserter so people can just drop without hassle, 3) impose draconian rating systems that will be abused way more than a vote kick ever will. There is no perfect system it’s the best we have, and people still are scrubs.

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You are spreading misinformation because simply this is not true at all. Did you actually even play before they had votekick? I thought not.

Mythics don’t have votekick… do those.


Well, since the OP isn’t responding, I’m starting to agree!

Short answer, no. Long answer, definitely no. There are definitely abuses of the system, but asking for a system where people could join dungeons and contribute nothing for full rewards is inviting anarchy.

Removing vote-kick would basically necessitate removing Dungeon Finder itself. Some people would maintain that’s a good thing, but if you’re upset about waiting twenty minutes to half an hour for a queue now, try waiting an hour in a capital city spamming trade for a tank, only to finally find one five minutes after the healer had to leave, getting another, downing a boss and some trash before another has to leave. You’ve then spent, like, an hour and a half for one dungeon boss.

Or we could all just queue, enter the dungeon and go AFK. That new player in whites and quest greens will definitely finish the dungeon alone so you can reap the rewards after. Why would anyone make the effort if they didn’t have to?

Here’s what went down. A hunter (not me, I was on my mage) pulled 3 packs with barrage. he immediately says ‘sorry’ we did wipe. without a word the group votes to kick him. i decline. vote doesnt pass. tank leaves group. others start to rage. I stick up for the hunter,
not word for word but close it went like
“dude…he said he was sorry, it was a mistake…why would kick him? what is wrong with this community”
I then get to be the target of the most hateful…angry…just generally toxic text.
calling me all sorts of names.
I don’t even respond…because I am …mature.
I got removed.
hunter whispers me…he got removed after that.

so…if you arent aware there is a problem…you are possibly part of the problem
what I typed took some time, I don’t want to elaborate every possible instance ive seen. And ive seen alot. Maybe just go do a search if you are so motivated, on the vote kick system.


Nah, I rather have tanks and healers actually do their job rather than sit at the entrance or troll the other members of the party because he/she did not like the dungeon and wants to try the queue again.

Yeah that story sucks and you’re a nice person for sticking up for the Hunter but ask yourself this: How often has this scenario, or one like it, happened? Be honest.


I don’t really care to follow this thread that i created more than i have already.
There is a real problem and its ignored. I like the vote kick system, I was here before it was around and LFG became a thing. It wasn’t a problem until LFG dungeon finder. But LFG dungeon finder solved another problem

What I don’t like is there is zero reprocussion for this. It rewards just people vote kicking along with the vote kick and saying nothing.

I don’t like it. It may be beyond repair, a byproduct of modern internet community.

If they make classic wow true to its name, some of these children or people who act like children are in for a rude awakening. The blacklist is real.

So the answer is once. Got ya. Yeah we should completely remove votekick and allow AFKing at the zone in, trolls that will pull an entire dungeon for the lols and tanks that will hold a group hostage because you got upset once.

Great logic.


Oh look he won’t gem, enchant his rings or weapon but wants to change the game.

I would’nt want you in my party just for that actually.

This is like saying you can never hit the ball in baseball so remove the “3 strikes you are out” rule.


I got a parking ticket for parking in a handicap spot, remove all parking tickets.

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Why yes, this does indeed make me sympathise with your plight.

I don’t go around kicking people for fun but I absolutely do have to remove troublemakers, trolls and AFKers. It happens a fair bit while leveling and you’ll usually have to do it at least once over the course of leveling a character. Same goes with Islands. I have no idea why people like to screw around in Islands but I figure it’s because there’s not much queue and people are more inclined to let them get away with it.

Kicking people is absolutely necessary and while some people do get kicked for stupid reasons, plenty more deserve to be kicked and if it was removed, that behaviour would skyrocket.


It’s good to see that there are good people like you that don’t rage quit or rage kick after one wipe but I still think removing the kick button all together is a bad idea.