Dungeon queues not working on 1 of my characters

Same here, can queu as Prot though so who knows… just a dps bug? Seems like others aren’t getting it though.

same issue here … @blizard fix it

Having the same issue. Started happening at about lvl 78.5.

mine just stopped 20min ago

also not working on my shaman. was working all day until a couple hours ago

same here on my mage. worked fine last night, now 30 minutes with no queue pop.

Been having this issue since day one of early access. My friend has been able find a lobby within a couple minutes. Me? Try up to two hours. We are both DPS, and one can’t find a lobby, this is ridiculous…

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Same issue. Worked at 8 am this morning but after that dungeon I wait 20-30++ min with no group but it still says avg wait time is 1-2 min.

Same boat as yall. Leveled one toon just fine then on the second as soon as I hit 76, boom. Insane wait times even after requeuing and had been getting in no problem prior.

Almost a hour at lvl 79 before it poped for me. Average wait time was 2 min.

I had this issue with my Remix toon, it hit lvl 77 and my dungeons stopped working. Then i noticed that the game automatically wanted me to go to do the intro quests. This was the quest that initially landed you on the little beach and had all the mobs everywhere. Once i did those ( i was already annoyed and didn’t want to abandon them and cause more issues) then my dungeons started working again.

Guys, time to do instances the old fashioned way that we had to do back in the day… barefoot uphill in the snow. Create a party of 5 and go to the instance, make sure the setting is on normal or heroic based on what you want to do. Go in and kill things! Win!

same thing is happening to me. avg queue time varies between 2-5 minutes, and I’m consistently waiting in queue for 30+ minutes before I give up.

Had the same thing happened, I found that I left Azi-kahet and it worked

Same issue for one of my alts, hasn’t been able to get into a dungeon since Sunday despite multiple attempts of sitting in queue for 30-40 minutes.

Just spent this afternoon with the same issue. Character was fine in queue until she hit 78 and a half, then its been all queue, no pop.

Same issue for me I’ve leveled 3 toons to 80. Queues were working fine until I hit level 73 now queues just won’t pop. Sit over 30 minutes waiting while my buddy same class and spec has his queues pop over and over in less than two minutes.

I am absolutely certain this is real. I now have 64 level 80 characters. My Female Void Elf Affliction Warlock can queue up for dungeons repeatedly and literally never get in. All of my other 63 characters get in at a reasonable time. This has been consistently reproducible over the past few months. Seems like some kind of coding issue.

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Same issue on my Shaman only. Queues pop normally for all other characters.

Update: Even thought there is no hard item level requirement for Timewalking there is apparently a soft one. I upgrade two pieces of gear and the queue popped.