Dungeon Finder

you dont have data to back this up.

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I agree modern games do so maybe you should try playing those modern games instead I’m sure they’ll add NFTs to dragon flight if you ask hard nuff

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Yes, they are all created by Blizzard employees hiding behind their regular accounts. :joy:

If u want RDF go play retail keep it out of classic.


It’s a wrath feature


Echo chamber polls posting in places nobody but retail players even know where they are. The reason they took it out was all the classic players who been playing since p1 vanilla not wanting it rofl


Cool. Idc. I want RDF for leveling to 80. nothing else.


i dont want rdf

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We literally have countless polls, social media input, forums input, and a plethora of other evidence to show that far more people want RDF than don’t.

You literally cannot gaslight people on this. It’s painfully obvious when you try to do so.

Even blizzard -admits- that more people want RDF than don’t in their post saying “enough people don’t want it”

That inherintly implies that it is not the majority.

Blizzards wanting their boost money and server transfer money, they don’t give a damn about your opinion or your idea of what you think the “Community” should be like.

Even without RDF that community isn’t here.


Anytime people disagree with me on unrelated topic, I also assume they RMT and Boost. It makes it easier for me to be wrong when I paint a picture of a villain in my mind.


That’s fake news FFXIV is a known degenerate community of scum of pedophilia and I’m a 1600 cp vet trial tank and you literally almost never talk to anybody in eso outside of guilds

Bad troll is bad. Prefering the classic content and class balance while wanting modern systems, woah, such drama, much bad


FFXIV is styled after WoTLK. How is that not Classic?

I dont really care about the random group part… I would just LOVE the ability to get 4 of my friends and just queue for a random dungeon and get teh teleport…

Make it require a pre-build group of 5. All you’re changing is travel time. Make it so you have to zone in to every dungeon before you can insta-queue with a FULL group.

One of the best times I had playing was spamming random dungeons leveling, and random heroics at max level early in expansions… I do not think flying to the instance is super important, and I don’t think it adds to the social aspect of forming a group prior to queue-ing.

Found out how to change it just for you <3

Or just anti-RFD players who don’t know better.

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Wrath is arguably the end of classic. LFR caused a ton of old vanilla raiders to leave for other games towards the end of WOTLK

Actually not a bad idea. Still requiring the full group to do but being eligible for random awards and teleport would ensure the community aspect isnt skipped.

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LFR wasn’t in existance till the end of cataclysm.

You can’t even get your timelines right and are conflating RDF with LFR.

And you want people to take you seriously?


Death knights weren’t in vanilla so why would they go In wrath? Your logic of modern gaming is off too. This is WotLK classic or modern wrath, not original wrath. If your gonna spew troll statements at least keep them directed right.

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