Dungeon deserter due to trolling kids

It’s not that hard really and no you do not need to think up every possible reason because the criteria is very simple. This is quite possible because there are only a handful of reasons why someone should be kicked.

For example there are only two reasons someone should be kicked for being afk, they haven’t done anything for a set amount of time or they aren’t staying with the group. You might be able to come up with a few more but honestly you don’t need many.

If someone is making offensive remarks in the group finder you only need to make a list of keywords such as “idiot” and symbols used to sensor out word such as @. and to be quite honest you might be able to skip making chat a kicked offense cause anything you would have to say to get kicked would most likely get your whole account in trouble instead and quite honestly a temporary or permanent ban. This being said I have seen this filtering of chats in other games so it is a thing, believe it or not.

And as for the blue post, I never said the devs were going to fix it, all I have been saying is it an easy design flaw that could very easily be fixed.

I am also 12 if that helps.

I would say this is plenty on topic. I will say I missed the part about them being his guild mates so if anything the rest of us have probably started going off topic.

As for his guild mates I agree, I would remove them from your guild or if you aren’t in a position t do that I would ask the higher ups in your guild to do so. On the off chance that they are the ones running the guild, I would ask you “why are you still in the same guild as them?”

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You have got a long life ahead of you. Make sure to work hard to find a good job that pays well and that works around the truly important stuff in life, witch is mostly just gaming.

They werent 12, they continued to troll you. Dont be an easy target man. just report them for troll kicking you and move on.

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Here are some I can think of:

  • They are following you but not attacking anything.
  • They are literally just auto attacking.
  • Someone is intentionally wiping you.
  • They are playing a role they did not get assigned.
  • What about a player who is just genuinely bad? What if your healer, despite their best efforts, simply cant keep the group alive. Can you kick them after 5 wipes?
  • If I say “great #### guys, awesome job” is that kickable? I was complimenting my team.
  • What about someone who isnt using vulgar words? Saying something like “I hate X” where X is a race, religion, guild, etc etc. How can the chat filter pick up the context?
  • How do you handle multiple languages?

If you skip chat all together, than I am stuck with someone who I have reported because I am not able to kick due to chat not being a kickable offense. You either make the rules too restrictive which causes people to be stuck with players that are making them not enjoy their game time, or you make them too lax and people can be removed for not doing anything wrong. Blizzard clearly believes that having them be more lax is the better call. I can only assume the reasoning is that trying to come up with an algorithm that can perfectly decide if a kick is just or not is not realistic. You can say it is easy all you want, that doesn’t make it true. If you can design an algorithm that can handle every single case flawlessly then I highly encourage you to do so.

That was my sarcasm showing, my main point was what this fellow had to say. Except the reporting part because I don’t think it’s even reportable really.

And in response.

  • For starters players can already still go afk when auto attacking and using follow. The staying with the group rule is mostly to keep players from staying at the entrance.
  • As I said earlier, if your not a tank and you start pulling that can be kickable.
  • Also if you are a healer and you have not healed the tank at all that can also be easily kickable.
  • If a dps is doing almost 0 damage that can also be kickable.
  • if you have wiped five times on the same boss you are obviously doing a mythic level dungeon at this point in BFA so this would not apply to you.
  • If you say “great #### guys, awesome job” this is kickable because you did not have to say it. The idea here is to give players a way to avoid being kicked without a valid reason. Sins the word itself is used heavily as an inappropriate insult you can easily avoid getting kicked by not using inappropriate words. Also “hate” can also be considered kickable if necessary, as well as any race, religion, etc. Remember a list can easily be added too. For example: you can’t use the name king in game because it also can be used with the F word. This would be no different.
  • I think you underestimate modern translation technology my friend. Technology to translate full sentences may be a bit flawed but if we are translating a single word it is a whole nother ball park.

Sorry but kicking should be a last case scenario and not something we use because we don’t get along with someone else or they a possibly still learning the game. If you want to be an elitist you can easily get a group together and not use the dungeon/party finder. If someone is rude you and making inappropriate remarks can easily just add them to your blacklist and report them. The reason I bring this up is because you should not be kicking players just because you can. You should only be able to kick players if something is seriously wrong. It doesn’t matter how bad a player is you signed up for the duongen/raid que and as long as they actually trying to complete the dungeon there should be no reason why they can’t be there as well. If someone doesnt like it they could easily leave the dungeon themselves and get a deserter status. I mean, no one is forcing them to stay in that group. As it stands players can already be removed for not doing anything wrong, so I see nothing wrong with adding a few restriction where they would be greatly welcomed among players who don’t abussy the current kicking system. And lets not forget that trying to fallsy kick a player that should not be kicked would also be cause for players to be kicked them selfs, thus causing a deterrent for abuys of kicking with each coming with a hefty strike.

Also while I am here let me also say that queing for any form of instance with a full party/raid should not give you a deserter if you get kicked or leave. It is simple a bad designs to do so and I do think it is ridiculous that blizzard allows this.

VtK is not going away neither is the debuff. Requeue, run with some guildies or people that you know won’t kick you and move on.

No penalty for being kicked caused problems too:

I saw this firsthand back in the day, toxic people raging at their group for something that was their own fault, then demanding to be kicked so they wouldn’t get the penalty and could requeue immediately, and trolling until the group agreed. (Or spamming LFD to get the dungeon they wanted, and getting kicked until they did.)

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Hmm…Ya know, I like the point you’re making right here.

If anything, it means they should rename the debuff to the associated content.

Have you tried forming your own group so you don’t get kicked?

They never do. It is always never their fault and someone else abusing the system.

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Y’all have reading issues.

He was joining a guild group.

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Well, you are correct. I missed that. Apologies OP. I would definitely bring that up to the GM then. You should never screw around with another player like that but certainly not guild mates. GM definitely needs to address those kids.

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Dungeon deserter is to punish people who leave raids and dungeons EARLY. As long as you have killed a boss you can not get dungeon deserter. Dungeon Deserter in Island expedition is at anytime. You can be 8900 in Heroic and still punished because you left early.

Sorry that happened to you but in this game, I’ve often encountered random immature, hateful people–and they’re not just kids. I hope you have better luck in the future.

Back when I first started playing in Cata, I attempted my first LFR and made the mistake of accidentally rolling need for a green. I was kicked from the LFR. It was a long time before I went into LFR again. I didn’t want to do content with people who would kick someone for something so minor.