Dungeon deserter due to trolling kids

Maybe, but que times will be higher

I have to chuckle. As if after everything else being neglected by blizzard that anyone would think that blizzard would do anything that required real effort at this point.

Blizz knows they’ve hit their point of no return and are not about to be making any real effort towards anything in wow.

The devs are looking to get lucky and write the next candy crush, they no longer have any interest in projects like wow or diablo. We know it, they know it, and the stockholders know it.


Roll tank or healer if you care about queue times (or get a guild - or organize groups in advance).

Honestly, I don’t really care about being kicked from groups as it’s not something I tend to have happen to me, but I do think that from other people’s reactions (like this OP’s original post), receiving a penalty for something you may not have even done, is just bad game design.


That’s no excuse even if it were true, which it isn’t. Blizzard knows the average age of the WoW player base is close to 30. They’re going to target that demographic as much as possible, not cater to a small minority of kids who play.

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I wasn’t the one who suggested grouping with only guildmates though in this thread. I suggested a small tweak to dungeon deserter

It was intended to be irony.

It sucks that 12 year old kids kicked you from a 10 minute island expedition, which probably had a 5+ minute queue time, and you then had a penalty of 30 minutes, for no reason.

At the end of the day, the only folks who should suffer a penalty IMO after being kicked are those who were removed for being AFK. I would think that people are legitimately removed for being AFK less often than other reasons, so it stands to reason that there should be no dungeon deserter cooldown for being kicked at all, as it’s impact has more negative effect than positive. Who’s with me? /riot

I suppose I question the benefit of any deserter debuff.

switch to horde and you won’t deal with 12 year olds. There are still douichebag here but they arent kids afaik

It is late, I am tired, and the trolls have got to me. The irony went over my head at first.

The net results of the debuff do more harm than good, IMO. My vote is to remove it entirely from the game.

I don’t really see a compelling reason to have it in game anyway. If someone is legitimately AFK and gets kicked, are they going to suddenly be right back, queing? And even if so, and they get kicked again… well?

I don’t see the debuff as adding anything to the game.

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Playing Alliance is like driving a vehicle with a manual transmission; you don’t always do it because you want to, but because it’s a dying medium and you want to do your part to save it from extinction.


this has been covered ad nauseam, kick has no place in island expeditions

basically the dungeon system works because the chances of finding 3 trolls screwing with one person is less than the chance of finding 1 troll screwing with a group

however, in islands for some reason … the chance of finding 2 trolls screwing one person is GREATER THAN the chance of finding 1 troll trying to screw the other two

blizzard screwed up and didn’t catch it because they are rolling stuff out the door fast and not iterating through making improvements … it’s not the devs/workers, it’s management either misallocating time or they just don’t care or both


Agreed. When the cons outweigh the pros, it’s time for a change. Unfortunately, the only way that could potentially occur is with a signed petition by 90% of the player base.



Since when are you the devs?

And as for that blue post you linked, that is only stating how kicking works ingame at the moment. It is not stating what the devs currently think one the matter.


Well to start off, sounds like I have more experience in coding than you do right now cause you clearly don’t understand how any of this can work. So I will give you a quick lesson in coding free of cost of course.

Considering that they already have “afk” status in the game it can be as easy as possibly adding one line of code that tells the game to stop kicking non-afk players. The same can also be said for other terms in the game at the moment such as searching for keywords in the chat log. When it comes to coding, being able to reuse old code is just as important as being able to write new code. As I already said, most of the code that can be used to set this up is already in the game and all they need to do is reuse it.

The main reason it takes so long for most companies to come out with new updates for software is because its built on years of old code with some dating back to the 1990 and some lines of code are even older than that. It’s because of this that a lot of time goes into looking at older code and checking for syntax errors before implementing new code to the ever growing puzzle of new code.

This being said, something as trivial as kicking is not that big of a big of a section of code by itself and can easily have new section buite onto it without as much need of precaution compared to something like charter data witch mostlikey has over billions of hours gameplay and data stored away. This is also very different than changing code for ingame mechanics and physics given that you are not changing how the game works rather than adding a verification on the server side before kicking someone. If anything this is closed to adding a line of code on top of the delete item pop that can prevent certain key items from being deleted.

Could blizzard have written their code in such a way that would make it hard to implement. Yes? Is it likely? No.

For as much crap we give Blizzard about being a failure of a gaming company, the fact remains that they are one of the best gaming companies in the market. So it goes to reason that they have long since gone back and fix a lot of the old code( Except for you Wise Mari :rage:) that could prevent them from adding such a feature. On top of this they are constantly working on both new and old code in the background as need such as the recent announcement of the long needed AH revamp. So ultimately I find it unlikely that this would provide a major challenge for a company like blizzard to do.

I could go into even more detail but this post is already rather to long, so I leave it at this.

Incorrect. Any craftsman who cares about the quality of their craft has the ethics to not work for hacks.

Still the subscribers keep offering opinions and suggestions as if blizzard even cares. As far as QA goes it is past the point of no return.

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yeah, no. the people working on the game don’t set priorities.

It is quite simple really, if you que up with someone via dungeon/raid finder, flask and low damage aren’t viable reasons to kick someone from your group. If you want wan’t to be an elitist, you can go from your own group in the PF. If people really find players pulling random mobs to be a problem you can have the code check for all none tanks tagging mobs before the rest of the party. If someone is not staying with the group you can list any player who has not been in contact with there party for 2 min as afk and 8 min for old classic dungeons, death walks can be harsh here.

It is honestly not that difficult to manage because their are only a few reasons someone should be forcibly removed from an instance that they were apart of.

You understand you would need to program in every possible reason to kick? So say you come up with 30 possible reasons that are justifiable, thats 30 expressions in your Cond case. That is not an easy task. For chat alone that is going to be a long line of words youd need to program the chat detector to find. Is just swearing enough for a ban? Does it need context? What are we using? That again is probably at a minimum another 30 expressions. Not really a simple thing to do. I am well aware of how software design works, and I know enough to realize that opening the bag of worms having to dictate every possible justifiable reason to kick that happens in real time is not a simple feat.

As for the blue post. If the devs agreed with you that this was something they were going to fix, they would have done it by now. These complaints are as old as the system is itself. Youd think they woulda tweked it after 8 years or so if they didnt like how it was working. They havent. That is telling.


I know this isn’t really on topic.

but… quality guildies. I’d insist those kids get gkicked or at least warned that if it happens again, they’ll be removed, or I’d remove myself from the guild.

you should have a reasonable expectation of not being treated like that by your guildmates. If the guild leadership is any good, they’ll make it clear that’s unacceptable.