Dungeon deserter due to trolling kids

Recently in an island expedition group, and I was kicked for no reason by guildmates who happened to be trolling kids (they admitted they were 12 after I whispered them in regards to the uncalled for removal). Yet I was hit with a 30 minute dungeon deserter cooldown. This is absolutely absurd, as being penalized for being the victim of trolling a couple minutes into an instance is inexcusable. As a grown adult who works well over 40 hours a week, my time on the game is limited and I expect to make the most of it. Should the 30 minute cooldown not be reserved for those who voluntarily leave?


kicking in islands should be changed so that there is no penalty unless you are over 20% behind the middle person in killl/azerite progress or AFK. people who kick on a whim should be hit with a penalty, like kicking somebody who is contributing a good amount to the expedition, these people should be hit with a penalty upon exiting the expedition.
people who are kicked should still recieve any loot they may have ramped up from their kills and tags.


Honestly a lot of the kick abuse comes from a lack of bad programing. A lot of this could easily be fixed by making the kick more prusies as to the reason someone is being kicked. It doesn’t have to be anything major, a small requirement should just have to be met before a kick can go through. That way players can have a way to avoid the kick trolls if they know what is need to kick someone.

An example is that if someone is being kicked for being AFK, have the games programing check to see if that player is actually playing or if they haven’t done anything in the last 30 sec.

A second example for, let’s say rude remarks that could be considered kickable, is they could program the kick to search the chat logs for chat pertaining to any offensive words or symbols such as @%$#&. As it stands the technology for this is already in the game.

If something can’t be proven with the code currently in the game then it is most likely not a kickable offence and shouldn’t be kickable. It would be the world’s easiest fix ever. As for players who abuse kicking they should first be kicked themself and given a 30 min lockout themself and a 24 hour ban of kicking privileges for the first offence. The second offence for abusing kick should give them a 3 day loss of kicking privileges. If they chose to abyss it a third time they should never be aloud to fill for kick again.


Except there’s no such thing as a kickable offense. Anyone can kick another person for any reason.


See a post like this every day dont expect blizzard to do anything honestly

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And that’s why the current system is so flawed my night elf friend. And it is so said to considering it would be such an easy fix to implement. No seriously, I have seen games implement AFK auto kicking within less of a month of an expansion dropping due to player abysse "afk"ing instances for currency,

Blues have stated that there is no requirement to kick someone.

A dungeon deserter applies because you have not either killed a boss or been 15 minutes.

Except a island expedition has no bosses and is often completed in around 15 minutes.

Dungeon Deserter should not apply as its not a dungeon.

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Neither are raids. So that metric doesnt make much sense.

Bro, please read my post fully before replying please. As I was stating this is what should happen with a properly coded kick system and not what we currently have in the game.

Right it is talking about a system that works on “kick-able offenses.” Blizzard does not believe that there needs to be a reason to kick someone. Your whole system relies on there being “kick-able offenses” and those are the only things you can get kicked for. That isnt going to happen. The devs disagree with you.

Also, just judging by how easy you think making that coded system you discuss is I can only asume you have no experience with software design.

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Which is a truly stupid hill to stand on. Granted it’s been this way since they put it in, but it really does get abused quite frequently.

The do nothing stance is the easiest stance for them to take so they don’t have to police the system. I get why they do it, however I wish they would take a stand on making the community a better place to play.

I don’t have to worry about kicks, because I never run with the trash (they couldn’t run any worthwhile content anyways) that vote people out at random.

It’s extremely abused in leveling and a huge turn off to new players getting booted because they’re lost or are having accidents while learning. I’ve seen it countless times and wondered just how many people decided to unsub due to some jerk who couldn’t be bothered to show the new kid the ropes.


Maybe, you should just stop playing a game that caters to 12-year-olds. I mean, what did you expect, with all these Tortollan quests?

It is too hard to manage. Is someone being AFK kickable? What about being super low on damage? How about not having food/flask? Pulling extra stuff when they arent the tank? What about them being a jerk?

It is too difficult to manage. People will always complain about what sort of things are kickable or not. Just look at the forums. People constantly arguing about what is acceptable to kick or not. The only way vote to kick works is if there is not set rules for it. Yeah it can be abused, but its far less frequent than it being used for its purpose.

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Let’s for sake of argument assume that this is true (it absolutely isn’t by the way), then what about the point of 30 minutes being too long to have to wait to queue? - Why not be able to queue right away?

FWIW, I’ve only done maybe 5 Island Expeditions, just the minimal to do the other things that were gated behind them. I HATE Island Expeditions.

For me, they are boring, useless content.

That’s a pretty crap reason to stop playing WoW. It’s a fun game. It’s not catering to anyone besides people who enjoy an MMORPG?

Back to the topic, I’ve seen people kicked for literally no reason. It’s a lot worse than it was 8 years ago and it’s honestly saddening. Something needs to be done about this. Even change the “kicked” deserter debuff and the “leave” deserter debuff to be seperate times.

The problem, I think (maybe) is that the debuff for quitting early makes sense. If you are able to be kicked for any reason at all (including race/spec/gender/personal pronoun preference/whatever - and Blizzard fully supports this), then perhaps the penalty for being kicked due to these reasons should be reduced.

I have no stance on the time debuff you get for being kicked. If they wanted to remove it, I wouldnt complain. If they wanted to make it an hour, I wouldnt complain.

My only point is that the rules for what should be kickable or not has been a debate since it was added. The stance that there does not need to be justification and it is at the choice of the party has worked. The system works far more than it is abused.

Something that could be done would be to have deserter only apply if the majority of kickers are not from the same realm. That way it could potentially be a better filter between people kicking to grief, and people demanding they be kicked and not participating. If such a change is possible

Or, a toggle for Sharding/LFG/LFR and we can stop playing with people from other servers.