Dungeon deserter abuse?

So you have pally tanks who pull everything and then bubble to wipe the group over and over for laughs. The debuff slows down the frequency in which this can occur.

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And that would be because of the 30 minute debuff. That’s the whole reason we have it.

Might have been me and my friend who kicked you. We were playing our vote kick game.

There was no abuse of the system there - he got kicked for a valid reason even though you don’t like it, i.e. he was slowing the group down.

lol, just because you insist it is so, doesn’t make it so. Blizzard isn’t interested in wasting time going through chat logs to figure out what happened, if they wanted to do that, they would have encouraged the community to do what you suggest back in cata, instead of just letting the system handle this behavior with deserter buffs.

A nice 1/10 random chance for those who started the kick to be kicked (with de-buff) themselves should do wonders. Then people would actually think before they use the kick function and make sure they really mean it.

“Too slow” is not a valid reason, nor is “not pulling enough dps”. If they’re not doing anything wrong, there’s no reason to kick them.

people arnt quiting to abuse the systems your group just sucked and they didnt want to deal with a bad group.i would have left to.

There’s no way to make a system that can determine the reason and validity of the reason for somebody doing a vote kick.

The logic between the deserter buff was so people couldn’t immediately re-queue back into the group that they were just kicked from which actually has happened to me a number of times. Of course if you were kicked for a stupid or non-existent reason it means you get unjustly punished which I admit seriously sucks at times.

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like anything in life, a reasonable tool can be abused when its in the hands of the wrong individual.

Take a Computer for example. Everyone can use it to play video games or browse the interwebs! But then you get those 1/1000 individuals who use their PC to DDOS a server that many people use simply for the lulz or they were unhappy with something. Its just the nature of things some times. Does it make it right? no, but often times we just need to move on because no system is perfect no matter how hard we want it to be and for us to think everyone is a reasonable individual.

For me it was “The hell” moment and because I do not run LFD much if at all had no clue that being vote kicked randomly results in a deserter debuff. But as I had mentioned earlier. Me and my Guildmates came together to turn a crappy situation into a awesome fun night.

The point is that can we make the tool better? Absolutely! how? I’m sure we have a millions of suggestions. But we cant really blame the tool…only the players who abuse the tool.

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Right, we can’t blame the tool itself, but the people. But we can also blame the people who CREATED the easily abusable tool. Now we have groups of friends going around kicking people for the lolz. And you and your friend were lucky, a lot of people don’t have that kind of guild backup, to someone who plays solo that deserter debuff can ruin their whole night.

if i get a vote to kick at a boss i pull the boss and wipe them before im out of the dungeon.

you kick me and you will pay.

because back in Cata tanks and healers would afk at the start of a dungeon they didn’t want to do and force the dps to kick them, then they’d turn around and get another instant queue and pull the same thing if they got an unfavorable dungeon