Dungeon deserter abuse?

But you could just have it apply ONLY if someone is being kicked multiple times over a week, a one off kick shouldn’t apply.

In my particular situation with my buddy you both have solid points. a one off vote kick in a situation should not result in a vote kick but repeated offenses should have a penalty.

Sadly I have to agree Majority has the say regardless if I agree with the group or not and there is not much I can say or do when they other 3 feel like they are being held hostage because we were moving too slow and too cautiously. Sucks? yes. But there is nothing more than you can do is dust yourself off and try again.

I was just thankful this turned into a positive situation for my friend and he wanted to see what he can do to improve to become a raider now which the guild was happy to help and invited him to alt nights.

Multiple times over a week is still open to abuse. Like what’s fair there? Let’s say I run into a group on Tuesday reset that doesn’t like my speed and I get kicked. No debuff there, great, but then on Wednesday I run into another group that doesn’t like my speed. Am I getting deserter debuffs now?

What’s the point in giving one freebie? Because let’s be clear for a moment, one freebie isn’t going to immediately improve the performance of a new tank. They won’t immediately get faster after their first VTK. So let’s say it’s three or four times a day before they get flagged. That’s 3-4 groups that a tank/healer who doesn’t want to do a dungeon can hold a group hostage and get no penalty when they’re kicked.

And of course you understand the concept of ‘Give them an inch and they’ll ask for a mile’ right? Once you give deserter free buffers for dungeon groups, there will be players demanding larger and larger buffers until the buffer is so large that the abuse filters back in even with the debuff still being in the game.

Report the hostage takers, it’s not a hard concept. Refusing to play is a suspendable offense, you just seem to not want to take any action besides kicking. Which, btw, dungeon deserter isn’t even long enough to prevent

Uhhh, no, no it isn’t.

There is no rule in either the Code of Conduct, ToU or EULA which forces players to play the game the way other group members expect. If it was, do you really think they would have put the safeguard in place at all when all the other players had to do was report the offending player to get them suspended?

The VTK system exists to remove players who aren’t doing their jobs or meeting the expectations of the group. The safeguard exists to stop the VTK system being abused. There is no ‘Blizzard enforcement’ that can be done to suspend a player for not wanting to do a dungeon.

Agreed, keep vote kick in all things even island expedition
but remove the debuff you get.

Refusing to play in group finder is most certainly suspendable, it falls under disrupting gameplay. You’re preventing 4 other people from playing the game in a reasonable manner. If you cant see that for what it is, i got a second, even nicer, bridge to sell you

I understand wanting to kick people if they arent performing to your liking. However, if it’s just because they’re too slow at pulling, learn to be patient.

Maybe they’re new and arent comfortable tanking quite yet. And they can only ‘prepare’ so much as a dps before they have to finally step in as a tank role.

But, a full duration deserter debuff from ONE kick is a little harsh. It should be more like this:

First offense within a certain time period: no debuff
Second offense: 5 mins
Third: 10 mins
Etc. (Or something, just an example here)

This would still hold trolls accountable but would be better for those that just got voted off for a stupid reason like being new.

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Uhh no. Disrupting gameplay is for large scale infractions like attempting to crash servers or making entire areas unplayable (such as camping the spawn point of a region in warmode). It does not apply to tanks or healers not wanting to run a dungeon.

Disrupting gameplay/server disruption has been against the rules since vanilla WOW, and there has never been a single case of a player being suspended or banned for not wanting to run a dungeon or demanding that they be kicked to avoid getting the deserter debuff. A punishment that severe for what is essentially a minor incident would garner a lot of negative attention from games media and other players.

You need to stop making stuff up to justify your points.

Lol, if you dont think blizzard suspends for crap like that, you’re a lost freaking cause, have a nice day, hope your next group kicks you:)

Also, blizzard doesn’t post suspensions, so you have zero basis for saying no one has gotten suspended for it. People get suspended for stupid crap all the time

Should I call Billy Joel and ask him to put me on the list of things that didn’t start the fire? or am I still blamed because im the OP?

Oh. While I support the deserter debuff, I’m sorry to hear about your friend :frowning_face: I don’t think that was an effective way to use vtk.

Again, misinterpreting my words. Please try reading and understanding them before you comment. I said that a punishment that severe for what is essentially a minor incident would garner a lot of negative attention and if you don’t think that a player who got suspended for that wouldn’t immediately go to wowhead, mmo-c, blizzardwatch, twitter, or any other social media site and complain about it, you’re the one who’s naive.

When people get banned over stupid reasons, other people find out and they find out quickly. Games media usually covers stupid bans too. Just look at what recently happened with GW2. They don’t publicly share information on account warnings/bans either (but they will call out players if they try to lie for sympathy points) yet when a player got warned and lost 200g (which is a LOT of money in that game) the internet got a hold of it (because that person took to reddit and made it public) and it gave Arena Net a bit of a bruise until they resolved the issue, which happened very quickly.

Blizzard doesn’t need more bad press in this regard, so they’re not going to be overly harsh on their bans for things that aren’t even against the rules.

You’re a lost cause, enjoy life I guess

No, you’re good. You raised a concern and you were on point about it. Sadly your thread got hijacked by the troll (literal race, not behavior) who wanted the deserter debuff removed.

Its naive btw.

Maybe they could do it so you only get deserter debuff if this isn’t the first time you were vote kicked that day

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Thank you. My grammarly app wasn’t saying the spelling was off for some reason.

tanks are the backbone of the group. Many sadly wont deal with a “slow” tank. As another poster pointed out he can watch the other tank and enjoy stress free dps time.

The whole vote-kick paradigm has a fatal flaw. It requires those using it to be reasonable and responsible. If that doesn’t happen, then the vote-kick system is just another tool for trolls. A game designed and endorsed tool.

One could harken back the days before such a system existed and rhapsodize over being forced to group with disruptive people or afk carries. And that was a bad thing. Being at the mercy of bad behavior just because it is too difficult or time intensive to avoid them is not great.

Fast forward to now wherein you and your buddies can hand out deserter debuffs for the luls. Hate that tanks have short que times? Well, you can gift them with a DPS’ que time, just click that button.

When responsibly used, vote-kick does just what it should. When used to harm the game-play experience of others it is just as effective. And Blizzard doesn’t care which of those one chooses to do.

So vote-kick, in my opinion, does solve some problems. I would say it easily solves half the problems that can arise from problematic players looking to ruin the experience of others.

I would also point out that 50% is still a failing grade.