Dungeon Bounced and Time Locked

You’re missing the operative beginning point does not condone harassment using this system.

Nor did they say does not exist.

It is up to the individual user within the current System not to abuse it. Players who do abused just like any other systems within World of Warcraft are in violation of the end-user license agreement code of conduct. You are only permitted to use as intended. Blizzard does not intend people to harass other players as it states in the end-user license agreement then players who are using that system are in violation. All agreed parties are supposed to conduct themselves with respect. Diminishing other people’s game play is a violation regardless if the system allows you to do it or not. Blizzard should not have to hold players hands for every part of their system. However if it blizzard is not going to monitor or allow people to efficiently report abuse of uses. (You cannot report if you don’t know who to report.) Blizzard needs to remove the time lock as it only furthers the disruption of that players experience. While being able to vote remove players is a good implementation it is not without its flaws in regards to allowing abuse.

There is nothing to report, since they aren’t actually harassing anyone. The rest of the group decided that they didn’t want to play with the other player. Blizzard WANTS that, they want people to have that ability. It literally can’t be abused in that way. You are wanting to punish people for using a system the exact way Blizzard had intended it to be used.

Again the way it WAS being abuses was players forced vote kicks because they held groups hostage when a vote to kick didn’t have the debuff. Also, this system has been in place for years now. The debuff is also years old and not new at all. You not liking it doesn’t make it against the rules.


The length and time which it have been implemented has nothing to do with whether or not players are currently using it as a form of harassment. And no you cannot once again use any blizzard systems regardless if it allows you to do so. As any form of harassment diminish the gameplay of others is a violation. Just because blizzard gives you the ability to convince other players to kick, does not change the fact. Never once did I argue to remove the voting system just more monitoring is needed as players are tending to use it haphazardly. And the player being kicked has every right to be upset about it. They are paying for the service too. So no I am not going to budge on this issue. Your opinion does not really matter with regards to the post. As you are not the aggrieved party you are not one of the people in the instance nor are you blizzard. While everybody is entitled to their opinion does not change the fact that a violation did it occur, because I said it did. As the aggrieved party my gameplay was diminished. Under the eyes of the law it is now between blizzard and myself since they have no real recording method on this issue. I had to use the public forms which they have requested. So instead of browbeating me into submission, try looking at it from a different perspective.

All that matters is Bliz’s perspective, which has been provided to you.

This is not the place for this discussion.


Your opinion on if a violation occurred means nothing. Blizzard is the only person that matters in this and as the Blue quote states (one of many BTW) there is no violation as you can vote to kick for any reason or no reason at all. You already have an answer from Blizzard. What you want is to change the system, it is working correctly meaning this isn’t a bug and doesn’t belong in this forum. You want the system or rules changed, you would want to post in General for that.

The bottom line here is that it isn’t against the rules, it isn’t about a different perspective. It is about facts. And the facts, straight from Blizzard’s mouth, is that the system is working correctly and can not be abused as you are saying.


Yes it is stated in Contact US. I was talking to blizzard not other player it clearly is written. You took upon yourself to talk for blizzard and poorly do so. You need to understand it not about it about you its about the customer report. Backing yourself in to a legal corner is unwise. When dealing with customer service as this post is intended. I have been wait for a blue. Yet you think I was somehow offending your game. This has nothing to do with you.

As you have been told, this isn’t the place for this. And you haven’t taken it to where it belongs as instructed, so you can’t be as serious about it as you claim.


To me it is a bug, a design flaw.

Again, it’s what Bliz intends. Not you.

It’s not a bug, thus this discussion doesn’t belong here.


Dude, there is nothing legal in any of these posts. You are way out of line. You are posting in the Bug Reports forum. It is to report bugs in the game, it isn’t a way to contact Blizzard and have a discussion with them. This isn’t a bug, the system is working as intended. This isn’t a customer service thread or area.

Also Lev, and I, are giving you what Blizzard has exactly said. I even linked a Blue post stating the exact same thing. You are not going to get a Blue post in this thread.


They aren’t trolling, they are giving you correct information. The system is working as Blizzard intends it to. You even have a Blue post linked in this very thread telling you that. There is no bug with the system.

They are trying to direct you to the proper place for you to discuss this. You seem to simply want to stomp your feet and yell about legal things. The bottom line here is that, this isn’t a bug, the system is working as it was designed to work (therefore not a bug). You not liking the system or thinking it should work differently would be a suggestion, which would go in General.


And you’ve been told what Bliz intends.

Exactly, that goes for you too!


Except it is correct. I even linked a direct quote from Blizzard stating as much. You are not listening to anyone, there were more people telling you the same thing. But they were smart enough to stop when it became apparent that you refuse to listen and simply want to argue. I will simply be reporting your posts from now one as you are simply trolling now and this thread shouldn’t be in this section.


This is lost on them, Mourningg. Let them yell into the wind until blue in the face.

You’re not going to get want you want here, Nevermindya. Feel free to soapbox for as much as long as you are able.


A bug and something you feel is a design flaw are not the same thing. I have opted to relocate this thread from the Bug Report forum to touch on this point. What you are reporting is not a bug. What the others here have told you is indeed correct and accurately reflects our current stance on the feature. The post provided to you earlier in the thread does a good job elaborating on this subject so I don’t feel I need to restate it. Our MVPs are selected because they have a good grasp of the game and the information they provide on the forums can generally be accepted as correct - even if you may disagree with it.

If you’d like to provide feedback about a game system that is currently functioning correctly, there are a few ways you can go about providing that to the development team. Our
World of Warcraft Suggestions and Feedback article has those details.