Dungeon Bounced and Time Locked

Was attacking trash then load screen hit with a 30 min lock. I din’t leave so why hit me with a Deserter?

Hey Nevermindya,

Although the name of the debuff is deserter, it’s applied to any situation where someone is prematurely no longer part of the group.

The problem of having it only apply to those who leave on their own is there used to be people who wanted out of a dungeon/raid/group but also wanted to avoid the debuff. So they would hold the group hostage until they were kicked.



Let say,
They are using the kick as a form of harassment would that not add to the harassment? Why add the 30 minute time lock? Blizzard is taking a side that all kicks are created equal. When we know that user reporting on forums they are not. Why is blizzard not hearing this. To think that some users would not abuse this system, is not sound logic. Why not just, let bygones be bygones and let those players go on there way, with taking a side of whom is at fault?

It not always the case because blizzard has the Mechanics, there is a way to leave a group with out a time lock in game now. Switching to a exception to the time buff is allow then why place it on a system where abuse is been reported?

Where people get caught up there is that, by the rules, kicks can be for any reason, even for no reason. As long as the majority votes for it, it’s allowed. That means kicks can be for not liking a race, class, xmog , name, etc. It can be to troll, to annoy, for laughs, or just because. All are allowed.

Due to the rule, abusing the kick is allowed. (Abuse is a reason to kick, and the rule is that a kick can occur for any reason, even for no reason.)

Its not a matter of not hearing it. It’s rooted in their rule above. Bliz isn’t going to intervene when a kick occurs for a reason that a player didn’t like, simply because whatever the reason, it was allowed.

Among other issues, that would reintroduce the hostage situation of the past. Some people wait quite a while to get into groups. Allowing people to come and go at will puts those who had to wait into a position of waiting again, and possibly again, and possibly again, and possibly never being able to do/complete what they waited all that time for.

It’s important to understand that the VTK system wasn’t simply thrown in as is. It’s the result of years of trial and error, the result of seeing some groups of people disproportionately suffer at the actions of others. Now, it applies the punishment equally to everyone.


Abuse, would diminish the game experience of the play being targeted. So no it is not allow. Disruption/Harassment of any kind is not allowed. Using Blizzards system as not attended, as a form of Disruption/Harassment. The harassed is protected under the EULA; a binding contract. Once again why is this not fixed is people know that the system is being abused. It is a EULA Code Of Conduct violation.

But no one is using the system as it isn’t intended. You can kick for any reason or no reason at all. It is working exactly as it is intended to work. There is absolutely no code of conduct violation happening when someone is kicked, because there can’t be one. You can’t harass someone by kicking them, it is a majority rules system that is able to be used for any reason or no reason at all.

The only time people were actually harassed under the system, was before the debuff was applied to players that were kicked. Players would hold groups hostage and force them to kick so that the player wouldn’t get the debuff when they got a random dungeon they didn’t like or a group they didn’t like.

Also this system has been in place for literally years. This isn’t new and has been unchanged for a long long time.


I’m sorry, Nevermindya, but that simply isn’t the case with the VTK system. Because a kick can occur for any reason or no reason at all, all reasons are allowed.

That means when someone is kicked, no matter the reason, as long as the majority wants to remove rhe player, the system is being used as it is intended. And that precludes any EULA/CoC violation.


As a user that has been aggrieved I would disagree. I am protected under the EULA as blizzard is legally required to protect my game play as the are for all their users. Forums are riddled with post talking about this issues, So unless you are suggesting blizzard wants people to be Disrupted/Harass? it need to be fixed. Under the EULA Blizzard is required to prevent players using the system to Disrupt/Harassed other players game play. If the system is allowing that Disruption/Harassment is need to be repaired to prevent such action by law. A contract is a contract. I paid for service, as did others, it is binding.

I’m sorry, but you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. No one is being disrupted or harassed. Because it isn’t possible under the rules. You are making stuff up and clearly do not understand what the EULA is or says, or how it actually applies to this situation.

Again, and this has been confirmed by Blizzard NUMEROUS times over YEARS, you can be kicked for any reason or no reason at all. How exactly is someone breaking the rules if they kick someone? Blizzard doesn’t and can’t micro manage all dungeon vote to kicks. The system isn’t perfect but it is the best system that is fair to the majority of players.

Also, again, this system has been in place and unchanged for years. This is not a new system, sorry but you are simply wrong here and that can be proven if you look at any of the Blue posts that have been made on this subject through out the years.


Again, sorry. That’s isn’t how the VTK system works.

It’s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing.

It’s the reality that you can be removed for any reason, no matter if it’s harrasment, griefing, trolling, or anything else. The reason never enters into the equation, therefore there’s nothing to violate the EULA.


That is contract violation on blizzard end. Under their EULA I am protected from forms of abuse. If the system is allowing the abuse the system needs to be repaired.

" 1. Disruption / Harassment: Engage in any conduct intended to disrupt or diminish the game experience for other players, or disrupt operation of Blizzard’s Platform in any way, including:

  1. Disrupting or assisting in the disruption of any computer used to support the Platform or any Game environment. ANY ATTEMPT BY YOU TO DISRUPT THE PLATFORM OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF ANY GAME MAY BE A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS.
  2. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.
  3. Violation of Laws: use the Platform to violate any applicable law or regulation."

That only applies when something occurs that is harrassment or disruption. Because the reason you are removed from the group does not matter, as per the VTK rule, there’s nothing that violates the EULA.

You may feel like it does, but what truly matters is how Bliz intends the VTK rule, not how you interpret it.


Again, you have no idea what you are talking about. This isn’t a contract violation at all. You just don’t seem to understand how the system works. None of what you quoted comes even close to being kicked from a dungeon by the majority of the other players in the dungeon. It simply CAN’T be abused like you are contending.

But tell you what, you go ahead and get a lawyer or contact the police and let us know how that goes.


Yes, it does. how are you a MVP? it is game play. I am say my game play was Disrupted for no clause. That is Harassment.

it is legal the aggrieved parties dissertation to report. So while you can have an opinion. It is not the same as being able to determine my experience nor the experience of other player felt when being kicked for no reason. Being Time locked is preventing me for doing with I intending to do in game.

Not an interpretation, just contract law.
Until a blue chimes in that is all I am going to say…

I’m an MVP because Bliz trusts my understanding of gameplay and its rules.

I can only repeat myself so many times, Nevermindya.

The fact of the matter is you are misinterpreting the system when all that matters is what Bliz intends. And secondly, you’re refusing to listen to those who are trying to explain the correct interpretation.

If you would like clarification on the issue, feel free to ask in the Customer Support forum. But expect to be told the same thing as you have been told here.

If you would like to see the system work differently, make a constructive post in the General Discussion forum. But expect to be rebutted by those who lived though the time when the debuff wasn’t applied equally to everyone.

Whatever you decide, what you have experienced is not a bug, and the Bug Report forum is not meant for discussion or debate of a properly functioning game system.


Can’t tell if genuinely serious or seriously oblivious.

This doesn’t belong in Bug Report. If you’ve got an issue with VTK, take it to Twitter (@CDevs) or General Discussion.

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Since you have no legal weight in the discussion. It is your opinion, not necessarily based in legal fact.

What been said here is what Blizzard has said countless times in the past (as Mourningg has pointed out already). I’m simply restating Bliz’s words here for you.

Again, feel free to take it up in the Customer Support forum. Bug Report is not the appropriate place for this.


It isn’t opinion, it is a fact… A fact that has been stated and confirmed for years by Blizzard. There is nothing legal about this.

This has been the policy for YEARS… YEARS!!!


Here is just one Blue post saying exactly what we have said… Again there are tons of these in the forums.

Continuing the discussion from IE kick threats/blackmail: