Blizzard needs to step in here and let everyone know the score…
No it wasnt, at least it wasnt on the server i played on…i wonder if runetotem is even still around anymore
Well, no i mean… the game literqllh starts at 60 for many players. The point of reliving the wow experience is the relive the experience you spent all tour time at-60. Farming tier, pvp, etc. Until 60, grinding is just a cancer fest of getting killed by rogues with piorly balanced enchants, and drinking after every solo mob you kill.
Boosting is 100% a classic thing not a retail thing, same with gdkp. I know anything you don’t like = retail but reality often doesn’t match your wishes
Leveling is so easy already its really hard to justify calling being boosted “cheating”. Stop trying to decide what other people do in their sandbox and just play in yours
To those that said Boosting was a thing back in the 2004-2005 time frame.
I never saw any advertisements for it. Was it around, I am sure in some fashion it was.
I used to help guildies out with powering them through any dungeon from deadmines to ZF/Mara. But I never expected any payment or even asked for it.
So report them for the spamming of trade chat and advertisements which are things that are Technically against ToS, but remember that you have or will probably do it for someone at some point.
Edit: Grammar, posting on phone.
I mean ya lets hear it blizzard you banned GDKP but allow mages to boost people for 20g a run
Boosting relys on pathing exploiting which was bannable in og classic