Dungeon and Raids

So relatively new to the WoW community and would like some insight on low levels and Dungeons. Where should I start and what do I look for? Is there a point to Dungeons after level 50?

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so dungeons give good xp, and drop upgrades to the quest gear you’ll be receiving as you level up. It’s good to run them because it also teaches you the basics of how to play your class. They also provide quite a bit of money for newer players :moneybag:

I think there’s always a reason to run dungeons, especially while leveling.

gl friend :cupid:

Much appreciated honestly, little to no help in game just a bunch of duel requests.

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Dungeons are a great way to get XP and gear as you level. Some people level exclusively through dungeons. (This is more true for tanks and healers where q times are pretty much zero)

Of course once you get to 50 you will be doing SL content exclusively (Unless you want to run old content for gold farming or transmog). As a new player and never having played through SL before you will need to do the main story campaign, there are a few instances where you receive a quest for a dungeon and then you would want to do that dungeon. From 50-60 you’ll mostly be questing.

Will add to this that once you hit max level, dungeons continue to be worth it. You’re currently doing ‘normal mode’ dungeons. Once you hit 60 you will qualify for ‘heroic’ and ‘mythic’ versions of the dungeons based on how strong your gear is. When you’re ready you can attempt ‘mythic plus’ versions of the dungeons which add various affixes to the dungeons and scale in difficulty the higher your ‘plus’ level. Each serial iteration of the dungeon is more challenging and offers higher levels of gear to compensate.